Ronald Reagan: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Ronald Wilson Reagan
Born February 6, 1911 • Illinois
Died June 5, 2004 (aged 93) • Los AngelesCalifornia
Title / Office presidency of the United States of America (1981-1989), United Statesgovernor (1967-1975), California
Political Affiliation Republican Party
Notable Family Members spouse Jane Wyman • spouse Nancy Reagan
Role In Cold WarIntermediate-Range Nuclear Forces TreatyIran-Contra AffairKorean Air Lines flight 007United States presidential election of 1952United States presidential election of 1956United States presidential election of 1960United States presidential election of 1964West Berlin discothèque bombingEconomic Recovery Tax ActLibya bombings of 1986Reykjavík summit of 1986Tax Reform Act

Did You Know?

  • The second time he was elected president Reagan won 525 of the 538 electoral votes, which is the largest number ever won by a candidate.
  • Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator".
  • Ronald Reagan gave his first policy speech regarding AIDS in 1987 after the death of a friend from HIV/AIDS, about 7 years and 20,000 deaths into the AIDS crisis.
  • Ronald Reagan submitted the first request for a trillion-dollar budget during his presidency, in 1987.

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