Alexander Graham Bell, best known as the inventor of the telephone, also made other significant contributions to society during his extraordinary life. He created other useful tools and devices, he made a lifelong commitment to deaf education, and he helped fund some of the most influential periodicals of the time just as they were getting off the ground.

  • Bell made improvements to the phonograph

    The phonograph, also called record player, is an instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus, or needle, following a groove on a rotating disc. American inventor Thomas Edison has been given the credit for its creation in 1877; Edison’s phonograph featured a cylinder wrapped in tinfoil as its recording medium. Edison moved on to other projects after that, and other inventors set out to improve the phonograph. By 1885 Bell and his colleagues (his cousin Chichester A. Bell and the inventor Charles Sumner Tainter) had a design fit for commercial use that featured a removable cardboard cylinder coated with mineral wax. This improvement, along with the addition of a more flexible stylus, increased the sound quality of the playback.

  • Bell had a lifelong commitment to deaf education

    Bell’s mother, Eliza, was extremely hard of hearing, and his father was an elocution teacher to the deaf. Thus, it was not surprising that Bell was committed to exploring the physiology of speech and educating deaf students. He taught at the Boston School for Deaf Mutes, the Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts, and the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1872 Bell founded the School of Vocal Physiology and Mechanics of Speech on Beacon Street in Boston, which emphasized the “oral” method (lip-reading and speaking) of teaching as opposed to the “manual” method (using sign language) many employed. American author and educator Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, crossed paths with Bell in 1886. He connected Keller with Boston’s Perkins Institution for the Blind, whose director, Michael Aganos, first assigned Anne Sullivan, Keller’s teacher and lifelong friend, to instruct Keller in Braille and communication in 1887. Bell also established the Volta Bureau, a center designed to work on behalf of the interests of the deaf, in 1887. Bell became president of the American Association for the Promotion of the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf (which was renamed Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) in 1890. However, it should be noted that within the deaf community, Bell remains a controversial figure because his focus on oralism and teaching speech to the deaf set in motion a wave of forced assimilation and integration for deaf students. Following Bell’s vision, in the interest of mixing the deaf and hearing populations, deaf students were prohibited from communicating openly in sign language or forming their own groups or clubs. That had an unmistakable impact on the burgeoning deaf culture and community and left many deaf students feeling isolated.

  • Bell experimented with heavier-than-air flight

    During the 1890s Bell shifted his attention to heavier-than-air flight. Starting in 1891, inspired by the research of American scientist Samuel Pierpont Langley, he experimented with wing shapes and propeller blade designs. He flew kites made of triangular cells; later models with pyramid-shaped structures (or tetrahedrons) were flown successfully. He continued his experiments even after the Wright brothers developed the first workable powered airplane in 1903. In 1907 Bell became one of the founders of the Aerial Experiment Association (AEA), which made significant progress in aircraft design and control. Bell’s tetrahedral designs were adapted to powered flight, but the test flights were not successful, though other AEA projects were. The AEA created biplane gliders, “manned kites,” and other aircraft that broke early height and distance records. Using Bell’s designs, Casey Baldwin, an AEA member and manager of Bell’s estate and laboratory, constructed the modern aileron (the movable part of an airplane wing controlled by the pilot that helps the aircraft bank left or right).

  • Bell built fast hydrofoil boats

    A hydrofoil is an underwater ski-like fin with a flat or curved winglike surface that lifts a moving boat as these surfaces push against the water through which these surfaces move. As a result, hydrofoils limit the contact of the boat with the water, which reduces drag at higher speeds. Although hydrofoil designs had existed since 1861, it wasn’t until 1906 that Italian inventor Enrico Forlanini would construct the first workable hydrofoil. Between 1908 and 1920 Bell and his trusted manager Casey Baldwin would develop the fastest hydrofoils of the time. In 1908, during Bell’s flirtation with aircraft, Bell and Baldwin set out to develop a “heavier than water” vehicle. They were likely inspired by the description of the basic principles of hydrofoils in the March 1906 issue of Scientific American and by Forlanini’s work. By 1911 the HD-1, Bell and Baldwin’s first hydrofoil (or “hydrodrome” as they called it), was clocked at almost 72 km (about 45 miles) per hour. By September 1919, after several refinements and the construction of two additional hydrofoils, Bell and Baldwin built the HD-4, which blasted across Nova Scotia’s Bras d’Or Lake at 114 km (70.8 miles) per hour, setting a speed record.

  • Bell funded and led some familiar late 19th-century start-ups

    Bell had a passion for science and technology. He used some of his wealth to support the fledgling journal Science, which later became the official publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Bell and others established the National Geographic Society in 1888; he served as the organization’s president from 1898 to 1903, a period in which its dry journal was transformed into a periodical packed with award-winning photographs and fascinating stories, which greatly amplified its popularity.

  • Bell helped to invent a metal-detecting device to find bullets in gunshot victims

    On July 2, 1881, after roughly four months in office, U.S. Pres. James Garfield was shot twice in a railroad station in Washington, D.C., by Charles J. Guiteau. One of Guiteau’s bullets entered the president’s back, and doctors were unable to locate it. The president would linger for 78 days before passing away, but not before doctors tried several times to find and remove the bullet through physical probing with medical instruments. Mathematics professor Simon Newcomb of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., knew that metal placed near electrically charged coils produces a faint hum, and he thought that a device he created based on these principles could help locate the bullet lodged in the president. Newcomb was interviewed by a journalist about his metal-detecting device, and Newcomb noted that it needed work. Bell read the story in the newspaper, contacted Newcomb, and offered assistance. Together, Newcomb and Bell made some improvements to Newcomb’s device (which included the addition of Bell’s telephone to amplify the hum). At the end of July, Bell began searching for Garfield’s bullet, but to no avail. Despite Garfield’s death in September, Bell later successfully demonstrated the device; surgeons adopted it, and it was used to save wounded soldiers during the Boer War (1899–1902) and World War I (1914–18).