She is arguably the world’s most popular doll. In fact, more than 100 are sold every minute. But how much do you know about Barbara Millicent Roberts? (And yes, that’s Barbie’s full name.) Read on for some fascinating facts about the iconic toy.

  • Barbie’s risqué origins

    Although Barbie is aimed at children, the inspiration for the toy was very adult-oriented: Lilli, a flirtatious gold-digging sexpot—some say “call girl”—who originated as a cartoon character in the West German newspaper Bild Zeitung. With her sexual banter and revealing outfits, Lilli became hugely popular, and in 1955 she was made into a plastic doll that was sold in stores. While intended as a risqué gag gift for men, the dolls soon became popular with children.

    During this time Ruth Handler was looking for a breakthrough product for Mattel, the American toy company she had founded (1945) with her husband, Elliot Handler, and Harold Matson. The answer, she thought, was an adult doll that would inspire girls the same way action figures of firefighters and soldiers encourage boys. However, others at the company didn’t believe that children would want to play with a doll that had breasts. Then, during a family trip to Europe in 1956, Handler saw the Lilli doll. The toy not only convinced Handler’s colleagues, but it also became the model for Barbie.

    Did you know? Greiner and Hausser, the makers of the Lilli doll, sued Mattel for copyright infringement in 1961. Two years later the case was settled out of court, and in 1964 Mattel acquired the patents and copyright for the doll.

  • From bombs to bombshells

    Once the Handlers had an idea for the doll, it needed to be designed. For that the couple turned to Jack Ryan. While not the famed CIA analyst of Tom Clancy’s novels, he still seemed an unlikely choice. Ryan was an engineer who worked on guided missile systems used by the U.S. military. The Handlers, however, convinced him to become head of research and development at Mattel. There he began working on Barbie and was involved with developing her iconic twisting waist and bendable knee joints that clicked. He later created such popular toys as Chatty Cathy and Hot Wheels.

    Did you know? Ryan also made a name for himself as a playboy. He was married five times, and one of his wives was actress Zsa Zsa Gabor.

  • Career Barbie

    Barbie’s first job was as a fashion model. Since then the doll has had more than 250 careers. And true to Ruth Handler’s desire to inspire young girls, Barbie has often been way ahead of her times. In 1965, some 13 years before women were admitted to the astronaut corps at NASA, Mattel introduced an astronaut Barbie. And in 2022 two Barbie dolls were actually taken to the International Space Station as part of an effort to encourage girls to pursue careers in STEM and other male-dominated fields. Barbie became a surgeon in 1973, when less than 10 percent of doctors were women. She also has served in the military, joining the U.S. Army in 1989. Three years later she became a sergeant in the Marine Corps.

    Did you know? One of the jobs Barbie has never had is mother. Despite requests for a mom Barbie, Mattel has refused because Ruth Handler envisioned the doll as representing the period before parenthood. However, in 2002 Barbie’s married friend Midge was sold as a pregnant doll, complete with a removable womb. But some consumers claimed that it promoted teen pregnancy, and Wal-Mart pulled the doll from its shelves.

  • Barbie’s world expands

    While Mattel has long claimed that Barbie is meant to empower girls, the doll has been criticized for promoting an unrealistic body image. Some have estimated that if Barbie were a real human, she would be 5 feet 9 inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. Her bust, waist, and hip measurements would be 36, 18, and 38 inches respectively—an improbable combination. Her neck wouldn’t be able to support her head, and her tiny ankles and feet would make walking impossible. In addition, her excessively small amount of body fat would prevent menstruation. Mattel eventually modified the classic version of the doll, and in 2016 the company released a line of other Barbies with more realistic figures: petite, tall, and curvy.

    Complaints about Barbie’s lack of diversity extended beyond body type. Many noted that Barbie’s world was overwhelmingly white. While her first Black friend, Christie, debuted in 1968, it wasn’t until 1980 that a Black Barbie doll went on sale. That year also saw the debut of a Latina version. In the ensuing years, however, Mattel was slow to be more inclusive, and it began to face growing competition from more diverse doll lines. Spurred in part by falling sales, Mattel began a major transformation of Barbie’s world in the 2010s. It debuted a Barbie wearing a hijab in 2017 and a gender-neutral doll two years later. Then in 2020 Mattel unveiled a new line of Barbies that was described as the company’s “most diverse.” It included a doll with a prosthetic leg, one using a wheelchair, and another wearing a hearing aid.

    Did you know? The world’s best-selling Barbie is Totally Hair Barbie, which has hair that reaches her toes. Totally Hair Barbie was released in 1992 and has sold more than 10 million dolls worldwide.

  • A boy toy

    While a number of other dolls are part of Barbie’s world, the best-known is Ken—or Kenneth Sean Carson. Although Mattel initially resisted calls to create a boyfriend for Barbie, the company eventually relented, and in 1961 the Ken doll hit store shelves. But, in keeping with Ruth Handler’s desire that Barbie be a “single career girl,” the couple has never married, and Ken is typically seen as an accessory. In 2004 Barbie and Ken broke up, and she later dated Blaine, an Australian surfer. After Ken underwent a makeover that included spending time in the gym, he won Barbie back in 2011.

    Did you know? Hoping to create a “cooler” Ken, Mattel released Earring Magic Ken in 1993. In addition to the aforementioned earring, the doll sported a purple vest and mesh top as well as a necklace, which featured a ring that some compared to a sex toy. The doll became one of the top-selling Ken dolls, in part because it was purchased by gay men. However, speculation about the doll’s sexual orientation led Mattel to discontinue Earring Magic Ken after just six months.

  • Barbie as muse

    A staple of pop culture, Barbie has long inspired designers, filmmakers, and other artists. In 1986 Andy Warhol painted the famed doll, and eight years later Peter Max did his own portrait of Barbie. The doll has also been a muse of fashion designers, a number of whom—including Karl Lagerfeld and Diane von Furstenberg—have created outfits for Barbie. In addition, the doll has appeared in more than 40 movies, including the animated Toy Story 3 (2010) and Greta Gerwig’s Barbie (2023), with Margot Robbie as the title character and Ryan Gosling as Ken.

    Did you know? In 2016 the Museum of Decorative Arts, part of the Louvre, held an exhibition on Barbie. It featured more than 700 dolls.