• Wood Frog

    The cold climate that characterizes much of Alaska and northern Canada is no matter to the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). It can endure temperatures as low as 23 °F (−5 °C) for a period lasting several weeks, with as much as 65‒70 percent of its total body water turning to ice during that time. The wood frog protects the remaining fluids in its body by increasing the concentration of glucose in its cellular fluids, essentially creating a natural protective antifreeze. The wood frog’s native range also includes the Great Lakes Region, much of the Appalachian Region, and the northeastern corner of the United States. It is relatively common and, despite a wide range in coloration, often can be readily identified by the dark, “robber’s mask” markings over its eyes.

  • Northern Leopard Frog

    The northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) is a favorite for its classic speckled appearance, being more or less green with black blotches over its back, sides, and legs. It is among the better known frog species in North America, partly because it was widely used for dissection in middle and high school biology classes. In the wild, it tends to be found close to ponds or lakes, though it can also be found in wet grassy areas, which is why it is sometimes also called “meadow frog.” It typically overwinters at the bottom of a pond or lake. The Burnsi leopard frog is a rare, spotless variant of the northern leopard frog.

  • Spring Peeper

    A species commonly heard but rarely seen in North America is the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer), so-named for its “peep” call, which is prominent at the start of spring. Spring peepers measure about an inch in length when full grown and often can be identified by a dark X or X-like markings on the back. They are exceedingly difficult to find, given their small size and their tendency to live in the debris on the forest floor and at the grassy edges of swamps and ponds. Their native range extends across the central and eastern regions of Canada and the United States. Two subspecies are recognized, the northern spring peeper (P. crucifer crucifer) and the southern spring peeper (P. crucifer bartramiana).

  • Pickerel Frog

    The pickerel frog (Lithobates palustris) is unique among spotted frogs in North America for the shape of the dark markings on its body, which are more square or rectangular than round (round markings are common on most other species of spotted frogs). The markings are arranged on the back in two columns, which at their outer edges are paralleled by white or yellow ridge lines that run the length of the back. Dark bands on the legs add to the pickerel frog’s natural camouflage. Although sometimes confused with the leopard frog, the pickerel frog has a distinguishing orange coloration to the underside of its gangly legs. It is found across eastern Canada, most of the eastern United States, and parts of the Midwest.

  • Mink Frog

    The odor given off in the skin secretions of the mink frog (Lithobates septentrionalis) has been likened to the stench of a rotten onion, which happens to be similar to the odor of a mink. The mink frog is found in the north-central and northeastern regions of the United States and the central and eastern parts of Canada. It spends much of its time in or near water, particularly bodies of water that host large populations of water lilies. The mink frog uses the plants’ floating leaves—better known as lily pads—as a means of escape from potential predators.

  • Columbia Spotted Frog

    Another favorite is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris), a species common in western North America, where its range extends from southeastern Alaska to Nevada. It is known particularly for the irregularly shaped spots on its back, which typically are dark with light centers, and for the bright reddish or bronze coloration on the underside of its plump belly and legs. The Columbia spotted frog is a mostly aquatic species, inhabiting wet areas close to ponds, marshes, and lakes. It is an adept swimmer, with extensive webbing found between the toes of its hind feet.

  • Northern Pacific Tree Frog

    The northern Pacific tree frog (Pseudacris regilla), or simply Pacific tree frog, has unusually long toes equipped with sticky pads that help it cling to the vegetation in its habitat, which extends along coastal areas from northern California to British Columbia, Canada, with some populations occurring as far east as Montana and Nevada. Although they may be found on the branches of trees, northern Pacific tree frogs are more likely to occur in vegetation on the ground, primarily in wet areas. The species comes in a wide range of colors, typically various shades or combinations of green, gray, and brown. Depending on temperature and moisture levels in their environment, however, individuals can change their shade of color. All northern Pacific tree frogs have a black stripe that runs from the snout, over the eye, to the shoulder, which together with a white underside is used in their identification.