One of the most important and useful means that has been employed by abolitionists is the written word. Freepersons across the globe advocated for the abolition of slavery, but perhaps the most inspiring stories have come from enslaved people themselves, who were self-taught or abounding with determination to learn to read and write from any source possible, as was the case with Frederick Douglass. Such texts have had a profound effect in shaping the majority of the modern world’s perspective against implementing the abhorrent institution of slavery by describing the inhumane cruelty that enslaved people have suffered in the past. They have also inspired oppressed groups to rise up and fight for equality in the face of discrimination.

  • Twelve Years a Slave (1853)

    Popularized by the Steve McQueen film of the same name (2013), Twelve Years a Slave was originally published in 1853 after being dictated by Solomon Northup to a white lawyer and legislator by the name of David Wilson, who maintained to offer “a faithful history of Solomon Northup’s life, as [I] received it from his lips.” The narrative recounts the tragic drugging and kidnapping of Northup, a free Northern Black man, into slavery in the South, where he remained for 12 years in the Louisiana Bayou Boeuf plantation region. Northup suffered through sadistic enslavers as well as some “kind” ones until a Canadian abolitionist helped Northup to arrange his return to freedom in the North. After the book’s publication, Northup went on tour around the country to promote his book, which sold over 30,000 copies.

  • Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave (1688)

    Penned by Aphra Behn, the first Englishwoman known to have earned a living through her writing, Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave was published in 1688, at which time, in the nascent years of abolitionism, it was viewed as a progressive antislavery text. The novel follows an African prince as he is tricked into slavery by “civilized” English slave traders, and he ends up enslaved in a British colony in South America. There he’s reunited with his love, whom he thought to have died at the hands of his former African king, and he is recognized by his enslaver to be of royalty and noble descent. However, acquiring his and his lover’s freedom proves impossible after he is repeatedly told that the decision is not up the enslaver but instead rests on the governor, who is back in England. The plot thus unravels in a tragic and grotesque resolution, leaving the reader questioning the morality as well as the rationality of the slave trade.

  • The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano; or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself (1789)

    Olaudah Equiano published his autobiography in 1789 in order to describe the humiliations suffered by enslaved people as well as to condemn the slave trade as an inhumane institution. Although some scholars have questioned whether he was born in Africa, as he says he was in his text, his words capture the brutalities of traveling across the Atlantic on a slave ship and the struggles and luck that go into obtaining one’s freedom. Equiano spent most of his time when he was enslaved on ships, sailing from place to place, visiting different societies and gaining insight into the dynamics of slavery so as to depict them accurately in his narrative. Translated into several languages, The Interesting Narrative became the first internationally popular slave narrative.

  • The Liberator (1831–65)

    The Liberator, founded by the ardent abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, had a paid circulation of roughly 3,000 in the North. Despite that relatively small audience, this newspaper’s message sprawled across the United States as it was spread by word of mouth and as copies of the paper were shared with those who couldn’t afford a subscription. Published in Boston, The Liberator advocated for the need to abolish slavery for 35 years, making it the most influential antislavery newspaper in the pre-Civil War era of the United States. It continually challenged reformers to apply the principles put forth in the Declaration of Independence to all people, regardless of the color of their skin. It also praised abolitionism as the only means to end slavery—instead of supporting the idea of African colonization—with the aim of achieving full citizenship for enslaved people, including endowing them with the right to vote. Thus, Garrison’s influence through The Liberator played an important role in gaining emancipation for enslaved people in the United States.

  • Narrative of William W. Brown, a Fugitive Slave (1847)

    William Wells Brown’s Narrative of William W. Brown, a Fugitive Slave was greeted with immediate popularity when published in 1847, being the second most read slave narrative of its time (behind that of Frederick Douglass). Brown’s autobiographical narrative exposed the struggles that mixed-race individuals such himself faced (his parents were a white man and a Black enslaved woman), documented the debased treatment of enslaved people, and decried slavery for forcing the people trapped in it to resort to deceitful and dishonest measures in order to survive. Brown also coolly pointed out the hypocrisy of enslavers who claimed to be Christians while treating their fellow human beings reprehensibly. After gaining his freedom in 1834 and earning acclaim for his story, Brown toured overseas and became the first African American to publish a novel, play, and travel book.

  • Appeal…to the Colored Citizens of the World… (1829)

    Distributed to enslaved people via copies inserted into the pockets of clothes sold to sailors heading to the South, David Walker’s Appeal…to the Colored Citizens of the World… called for enslaved people to actively fight for their freedom and to rise up and revolt against their enslavers. He also argued that the United States was more their country than the enslavers’ because it was the blood and toil of enslaved people that had built it from the ground up. Walker’s violent language inspired objections by even the most ardent white abolitionists, such as William Lloyd Garrison, and contributed to legislation being passed that prohibited enslaved people from learning to read or write. The Appeal was so radical that it may have cost Walker his life: his body was found near his shop in 1830, a year after the Appeal was published, and Walker was commonly believed to have been poisoned. Walker’s pamphlet was widely reprinted after his death and served to illuminate the intensity with which enslaved people, and some abolitionists, were ready to combat slavery.

  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself (1845)

    Frederick Douglass’s often revised autobiography is today one of the most read primary sources on slavery in the United States—just as it was during his lifetime. It follows Douglass from his early years as “an American slave,” as he calls himself in his book’s title, when he never knew with certainty who his father was and had only met his mother a handful of times. Throughout his text, Douglass highlights the fact that the sufferings he himself endured at the hands of enslavers were no different than those of his fellow enslaved people, excepting that, when he was moved from a plantation to Baltimore, he realized that being enslaved in a city was almost as good as being free in comparison. It was during that time in his life that Douglass came to understand the importance of an education and thus spent the rest of his life in pursuit of knowledge, which afforded him the ability to gain his freedom and become a renowned abolitionist, orator, and author. He lectured abroad and served as an aide to President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. His narrative continues to inspire reformers and activists to fight for civil rights for the oppressed in America.

  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly (1851–52)

    Perhaps the most famous novel of pre-Civil War America, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published serially in 1851–52 and had a profound effect on white readers in the North. Some have gone as far as to deem it as one of the causes of the Civil War. Authored by Harriet Beecher Stowe, the novel sold roughly 300,000 copies in its first year, and it gave rise to numerous stage adaptations that spread its message. Its vivid denouncement of slavery fueled animosity toward Stowe and her book—and, arguably, toward the North in general—in the South. Although Uncle Tom’s Cabin today is criticized for creating and perpetuating damaging stereotypes, the importance of a book arguing for the need to abolish slavery in mid-19th-century America is undeniable. Stowe’s efforts went far in the fight for the abolition of slavery, and her novel is still read today.