The articles in this list don’t have all the answers. However, they serve as a useful primer on the basics—what we know about the universe and how our species evolved, how we perpetuate ourselves, and how we die, and the logical tools we use to understand our world. You’re just a click away from understanding.
Sagittarius Star CloudThe Sagittarius Star Cloud as seen through the Hubble Space Telescope.The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA)The universe is 13.7 billion years old. Earth formed, at the earliest, 4.6 billion years ago. You’re what, 85 years old, max? Ponder thy own significance. Ouch, right? I mean, uh, behold the grandeur of the cosmos…pretty telescope pics. Yay!
timeline of life on EarthOver hundreds of millions of years, life spread through the seas and over Earth's surface. The first life-forms were small and simple. Later forms were more complicated and diverse.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.You might be slogging through the waking death of your work day, or catatonically staring at the screen during your “study break” so let me assure you: you are, in fact, alive. How did that happen? Check out Britannica’s fantastic article on life, written by Carl Sagan, Lynn Margulis, and Dorion Sagan. YOLO, indeed.
dancing skeletonsA Dance of Death is a woodcut print from about 1493."Registrum huius operis libri cronicarum cu [cum] figuris et imagibus [imaginibus] ab inicio mudi [mundi" by Hartmann Schedel and Michael Wolgemut, 1493/Archive.orgYou are, however, going to die. I’m not saying it’ll be anytime soon, but it’s going to happen. If you’re not, I’ll have what you’re having. Either way, brush up your understanding of mortality with Britannica’s article on death. It’s sure to come in handy. Unless you’re reading this on your phone while stepping into traffic…
Darwin: On the Origin of SpeciesTitle page of the 1859 edition of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-95224)Speaking of natural selection…how did we evolve from single-celled organisms? What forces shaped the plants and animals around us? Until we achieve the singularity and you can just upload this article to your brain, scroll through Britannica’s coverage of evolution to find out.
Leonardo da Vinci: Vitruvian ManVitruvian Man, drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1490; in the Galleries of the Academy of Venice.© Creatas/Getty ImagesStill with me, fellow primate? I know Sartre said “Hell is other people”—and may have had a point—but it couldn’t hurt to learn a little more about your fellow naked apes. Could it? Find out when you browse Britannica’s article on human evolution.
Ciro Ferri: Triumph of BacchusTriumph of Bacchus, oil on canvas by Ciro Ferri, 17th century. 141 × 205.7 cm.In a private collectionIn this very special article, Britannica covers it all. Meiosis. Budding. Parthenogenesis. All 50 shades and then some, people.
DNA sequencingA nucleotide sequence determined using DNA sequencing technologies.© Ryan McVay—Photodisc/Getty ImagesWhy can’t I clone myself and have him finish this list? Putting aside the fact that any clone of mine would laugh in my face and then probably unplug my computer out of spite, we’re just not there yet. At least as far as we know… But people are doing all kinds of crazy stuff with genetics. Read more…
first edition of the Encyclopædia BritannicaFirst edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, published 1768–71.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Do you really know what you know? And what’s that worth? Check out Britannica’s coverage of epistemology, the study of the limits of human knowledge, to find out.
AristotleDetail of a Roman copy (2nd century bce) of a Greek alabaster portrait bust of Aristotle (c. 325 bce); in the collection of the Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome.© A. Dagli Orti—De Agostini/Getty ImagesNow, check yourself. Are your beliefs logical? Review the basic principles of logic with Britannica’s article on the subject.