Persian Gulf War Timeline

  • August 2, 1990

    Iraq invades and annexes Kuwait. The UN Security Council passes Resolution 660, condemning the invasion and demanding the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces.

  • August 5, 1990

    U.S. President George H.W. Bush gives a speech in which he declares “this will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait.”

  • August 1990

    Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and General Norman Schwarzkopf, the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, initiate planning for operations to defend Saudi Arabia from a possible assault by Iraq. Troops and equipment for U.S. air and ground forces begin to arrive in Saudi Arabia.

  • October 1990

    U.S. military planners begin to plan an offensive to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

  • November 29, 1990

    The UN Security Council issues Resolution 678, calling for the use of “all necessary means” to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait if it has not done so by January 15, 1991.

  • January 9, 1991

    James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of State, meets with Tariq Aziz, the Iraqi Foreign Minister, in Geneva in a fruitless effort to resolve the crisis peacefully.

  • January 12, 1991

    With the military buildup in Saudi Arabia well under way and the January 15 deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait approaching, the U.S. Congress passes a resolution authorizing the use of military force.

  • January 15, 1991

    UN Security Council deadline passes.

  • January 17, 1991

    In the early morning of January 17. the U.S. and its coalition of allies launch a campaign of air and missile attacks on targets in Iraq and Kuwait. The campaign continues for several weeks, damaging or destroying Iraq’s air defenses, communications, military infrastructure, oil infrastructure, and transportation infrastructure.

  • January 18, 1991

    Iraq retaliates by firing missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia. There are no deaths and only a few wounded. Mindful of the need to preserve the international coalition—which includes numerous Arab countries—Israel refrains from retaliating.

  • Early February 1991

    U.S. and allied forces increasingly focus their attacks on Iraq’s ground forces in preparation for a ground assault. Special Operations soldiers begin to infiltrate into Kuwait and Iraq.

  • February 24, 1991

    U.S. and allies begin ground offensive, crossing into Iraq and Kuwait around 4:00 AM.

  • February 25, 1991

    A Scud missile fired from Iraq destroys a barracks used by U.S. troops in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Twenty-eight Americans are killed and about 100 are wounded.

  • February 26, 1991

    Iraqi president Saddam Hussein announces that Iraq will withdraw from Kuwait immediately but does not renounce Iraq’s claim to Kuwait. U.S. and allied forces bomb a convoy of retreating Iraqi troops, killing hundreds.

  • February 27, 1991

    U.S. and allied forces enter Kuwait City. U.S. President George Bush declares the suspension of offensive combat operations against Iraq.

  • February 28, 1991

    Iraq announces that it will accept all UN resolutions regarding the conflict.

  • March 3, 1991

    Iraq accepts the terms of a cease-fire agreement presented by General Schwarzkopf.