Britannica Money


The earliest Arab invaders had reached India in the 8th century and founded a dynasty in Sind, which left numerous very small silver coins of the Umayyad type. The coinage of the Ghūrid dynasty of northwest Afghanistan and its successors from the 12th century onward is varied and extensive, mainly gold and silver tangas (or rupees) of 10.76 grams. Gold was hardly issued at all in the 15th and 16th centuries, and for a time the coinage was mainly billon. Shēr Shāh of Sūr (1540–45), of northern India, issued a large silver currency of a type carrying the profession of the faith and names of the four caliphs, that was imitated by the Mughal successor of the Sūİs.

The coinages of Bābur and Humāyūn, the first two of the Mughal conquerors of India, are not extensive and are of Central Asian character. With the next two emperors, Akbar and Jahāngīr, is found a series unrivaled for variety and, within limitations, beauty—the gold coins of Jahāngir are noble examples of Muslim calligraphy. In the 16th century the type that goes back to Shēr Shāh prevailed: the profession of the faith with the names of the first four caliphs and the emperor’s titles on the other side; Aurangzeb replaced the confession of faith by the mint and date, and this remained the usual type until the end of the dynasty. The emperor’s name is usually enshrined in a Persian couplet to the effect that the metal of the coins acquires added lustre from bearing the emperor’s name. Nearly 50 such verses are found on Jahāngīr’s coins. His reign is also remarkable for the series of coins bearing signs of the zodiac and for the set of portrait mohurs, one of which represents him holding a wine cup. From the beginning of the 18th century the coins become stereotyped, and the epigraphy loses its beauty. The European East India companies copied the native types from the local coinages and did not strike on European lines until the 19th century. A uniform coinage for territories under British administration was introduced in 1835. The right of native states to mint their own coinage was gradually curtailed by the British government. Since 1948, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka have had their own coinages. Bangladesh commenced independent coinage on Jan. 1, 1972.


Mention should also be made of the extensive Nepalese coinage in gold and silver with Sanskrit legends; the coinage of Tibet, related to that of Nepal; and the long series of octagonal gold and silver coins of Assam, struck until about 1821.


Before coins were invented, cowrie shells were used as money in China. The earliest Chinese coins are small bronze hoes and knives, copies of the tools that previously had been used for barter. The knife coins (tao) were about six inches (15 centimetres) long and some bore inscriptions naming the issuer and giving the value. Hoe coins bore similar inscriptions. Both types circulated during the 4th and 3rd centuries bc. Round money with a hole in the centre was issued about the mid-3rd century, but it was not until 221 bc that the reforming emperor Shih huang-ti (221–210/209 bc) superseded all other currencies by the issue of round coins (pan-liang) of half an ounce. (There were 24 grains in the Chinese ounce, and in the Han period the ounce weighed 16 grams.) These pan-liang coins were continued by the Han dynasty. The official weight of this coin was gradually reduced until it was replaced in 118 bc by the emperor Wu-ti’s five-grain (chu) piece, which remained the standard coin of China for the next three centuries; a break in the monotony of the regular coinage occurred in the archaistic innovations of the usurper Wang Mang (ad 9–23), who issued a series of token coins based on the tao and on square Japanese pu coins and various new round coins.

After the Han period (206 bcad 220), the standard coin underwent many modifications. The coin was issued in iron and lead, in six-grain and four-grain weights, and in token versions. Yet the ideal of the five-grain coin of Han survived until the rise of the T’ang dynasty, when the emperor Kao-tsu in 621 issued the Kai-yuan coin, which gave the coinage of all the Far East its form until the end of the 19th century—a round coin with a square hole and a four-character legend stating the function (tong-bao, which means “circulating treasure”) and date of the coin. The Southern Sung dynasty (1127–1279) dated their coins on the reverse with regnal years, and the T’ang and Ming dynasties (618–907 and 1368–1644, respectively) put the mint name on the reverse, as did the Ch’ing dynasty (1644–1911/12), this last giving it in Manchu characters. Paper money has been in use in China since the 9th century and was current almost to the exclusion of regular coins under certain Mongol emperors, such as Kublai Khan, whose paper money is described by Marco Polo. For more than 2,000 years the copper cash was the only official coinage of China; gold and silver were current by weight only, the latter in the form of ingots. As a result of the popularity of imported Spanish colonial and Mexican dollars, several attempts were made to institute a silver coinage based on the dollar in the 19th century; not until the very end of the 19th century were mints established to strike silver and copper coins of European style. Under the republic, coins were at once struck with the portraits of Sun Yat-sen and Pres. Yüan Shih-k’ai, and the various generals who fought for control of China issued their own coins. The currency of both the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan is the yuan (dollar). The very extensive series of talismans, coinlike in shape but usually larger and in their legends and types reflecting popular Chinese religious thought, is noteworthy.

Chinese coin
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Bronze token coin designed by the emperor Huizong, Northern Song dynasty, 1107; in the British Museum, London.
Reproduced with permission of the trustees of the British Museum; photograph, Ray Gardner for the Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited