February 07, 2023
Food that is baked or simmered for 15 minutes will retain about 40 percent of the alcohol it is cooked with. Burning off all alcohol from a dish can take as long as three hours.
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Why do some squirrels chew on rattlesnake skin? -
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Where on Earth do astronauts train for Mars? -
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What tech symbol was added to Morse Code? -
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What famous novel was written on a 120-foot-long scroll? -
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How accurate is a groundhog at predicting weather? -
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Why is February Black History Month? -
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What Nobel Prize field has the youngest winners? -
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Did Ponce de León ever look for the Fountain of Youth? -
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Does Earth have any way to avoid an asteroid? -
Jan 28
America tried to build a canal across what state?