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Città di Castello: cathedral
Cathedral of Città di Castello, Italy.
Città di Castello
Città di Castello, town, Umbria regione, central Italy. It lies along the Tiber River, east of Arezzo. The town occupies the site of ancient Tifernum Tiberinum, which was devastated by Totila the Goth. Its Renaissance lords of the Vitelli family, known as patrons of the arts, were responsible for many architectural monuments. The Palazzo Vitelli della Cannoniera (1531–32), now an art gallery, and the Vitelli Chapel (1564) in the Church of San Francesco (1273) are both by Giorgio Vasari. The cathedral (1356, with a Renaissance interior) and the 14th-century Palazzo Comunale are also notable. Città di Castello’s manufactures include steel furniture, textiles, machinery, and cement. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 39,492.