La Vega
- In full:
- Concepción de la Vega
La Vega, city, central Dominican Republic. It was founded in 1495 by Bartholomew Columbus at the foot of Concepción fortress, which had been built by his brother Christopher Columbus in 1494. La Vega was moved to the bank of the Camú River after an earthquake in 1564. La Vega is a prosperous commercial, manufacturing, and transportation centre in the fertile La Vega Real region, which yields cacao, coffee, tobacco, rice, fruits, and cattle. The railroad running westward from Sánchez, on Samaná Bay, ends in La Vega, which is also situated on the paved highway linking Santo Domingo, the national capital, with Monte Cristi. La Vega has an airfield. Pop. (2002) urban area, 98,386; (2010) urban area, 104,536.