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Prior to Sudan’s independence in 1956, the British colonial administration had little educational infrastructure established in the southern Sudan, and Christian missionaries assumed responsibility for formal education there. Southern education suffered during Sudan’s subsequent civil wars (1955–72; 1983–2005); the national authorities curtailed missionary activities, attempted to “Arabize” the southern schools, and, failing that, closed them in 1962. The southern partisans operated schools in the areas they controlled, but their resources were extremely limited. Beginning in the late 1980s, UNICEF coordinated educational instruction efforts in southern Sudan, but limited resources continued to be a stumbling block, as was the ongoing civil conflict, which continued to negatively affect access to schooling. As a result, for decades many southern Sudanese were deprived of the opportunity for an education.
Under South Sudan’s current system, there are two general educational tracks. The formal track includes eight years of primary education, beginning at six years of age, followed by four years of secondary education and then postsecondary training or four years of tertiary education. This track includes a provision for three years of preprimary schooling, but implementation of this option has been slow. An alternative track, in which eight years of primary education are condensed into four years of instruction, exists for students of all ages who have or have had limited access to schooling. English is the language of instruction in South Sudan’s education system, although indigenous southern Sudanese languages are also used in the early years of primary education. This policy has created some difficulty for a number of teachers, many of whom were trained to teach with Arabic as the language of instruction.
Even after the 2005 CPA ended the war and amid efforts to increase educational opportunities in the south, only about one-half of school-age children have access to education. For school-age females, access is even more limited, and many drop out within the first few years because of cultural pressures, such as tendency to marry at a young age. In addition, the educational system is further stressed by a lack of school buildings and teaching materials and the limited number of qualified teachers. The educational system was greatly disrupted by the civil war that began in late 2013.
Higher education in South Sudan is provided by several institutions, including the University of Juba (1977) in the capital, the University of Bahr el Ghazal (1991) in Wau, and Upper Nile University (1991) in Malakal. During the war these universities were relocated in the north for safety reasons; in the years after the CPA, efforts were made to reopen the facilities in the south.
The fact that South Sudan, ravaged by decades of civil war, has long been deprived of an adequate education system is evident in its literacy rates, which are among the lowest in the world. Only about one-fourth of adults are able to read. There is a higher rate of literacy in urban areas, where roughly one-half of the adult population is able to read. There is also a discrepancy in literacy rates between men and women: some two-fifths of men are literate, whereas only about one-sixth of women are able to read.
Cultural life
Cultural milieu
There are many different ethnic groups in South Sudan, each with a long history of customs and traditions. Despite a decades-long attempt by the northern-based national government of Sudan to “Arabize” the southern region in the 20th century, a rich cultural diversity still exists in South Sudan.
Daily life and social customs
Some aspects of South Sudan’s traditional cultures have weakened with the passage of time. Indeed, the advances of modern society, such as improved communications, opportunities for increased social and economic mobility, and the spread of a money economy, as well as decades of warfare and displacement, have led to a general loosening of the social ties, customs, relationships, and modes of organization in traditional cultures. Still, much from the past remains intact.
One of the most important forms of cultural expression among nonliterate groups in South Sudan is oral tradition. It is used as a vehicle for the creative expression of folklore and myths as well as for the recounting of history and traditions. It is also used as a font of guidance and advice for dealing with typical life events. Many South Sudanese groups mark the stages in the life cycle of the individual—birth, circumcision, puberty, marriage, and death—with ritual and ceremonial practices. Facial scarring and tattooing as methods of ritual adornment are common. Most groups observe patrilineal descent, but the significance of such agnatic ties among kin groups differs from one society to another. Polygyny is practiced in some groups and regarded as a means of extending affinal (in-law) relationships and acquiring support. Although divorce is now common, in the past a broken marriage was considered a shameful thing because it destroyed the network of relationships. Most groups have historically had some form of class distinction.
Cuisine varies throughout the country and among ethnic groups. Grains such as millet and sorghum are popular sources of sustenance and are supplemented by the variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes grown in the country, when available. Fish is a common source of protein among the riverine communities, whereas other groups rely more on meat and milk products from their livestock. A paste made from peanuts may accompany meats and vegetables. Examples of some foods and dishes enjoyed in the country include kisra, a wide flat bread that accompanies many meals, asida, a porridge made from sorghum that is often served with meat or vegetables, and ful, a dish with a basis of mashed fava beans and spices that may have various other foods added to it.
Western-style clothing is common, especially in cities and towns. Traditional dress varies throughout the country and among ethnic groups. Because of the hot climate, clothing tends to be loose-fitting and of light material.
Holidays observed in South Sudan include Sudan Independence Day on January 1 (marking Sudan’s independence from Great Britain and Egypt in 1956), Peace Agreement Day on January 9 (commemorating the signing of the 2005 CPA), SPLA Day on May 16 (marking the day in 1983 that the southern troops revolted, leading to a resumption in the fight for independence), and Martyrs’ Day on July 30 (the anniversary of the death of rebel leader John Garang de Mabior, used to commemorate the deaths of all those who died during the long-running civil war). The country’s large Christian population celebrates Easter and Christmas, and Christmas Day is a public holiday in South Sudan.