Tigris-Euphrates river system
What is the Tigris-Euphrates river system?
Where are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers located?
Why is the Tigris-Euphrates river system significant in history?
What ancient civilization developed around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
How do the Tigris and Euphrates support agriculture in their region?
What are the main challenges facing the Tigris-Euphrates river system today?
How have the Tigris and Euphrates rivers influenced culture in the region?
What environmental concerns affect the Tigris-Euphrates river basin?
How have humans impacted the Tigris-Euphrates river system over time?
What role does the Tigris-Euphrates river system play in the Middle East's geopolitics?
Tigris-Euphrates river system, great river system of southwestern Asia. It comprises the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which follow roughly parallel courses through the heart of the Middle East. The lower portion of the region that they define, known as Mesopotamia (Greek: “Land Between the Rivers”), was one of the cradles of civilization.
The two rivers have their sources within 50 miles (80 km) of each other in eastern Turkey and travel southeast through northern Syria and Iraq to the head of the Persian Gulf. The total length of the Euphrates (Sumerian: Buranun; Akkadian: Purattu; biblical: Perath; Arabic: Al-Furāt; Turkish: Fırat) is about 1,740 miles (2,800 km). The Tigris (Sumerian: Idigna; Akkadian: Idiklat; biblical: Hiddekel; Arabic: Dijlah; Turkish: Dicle) is about 1,180 miles (1,900 km) in length.
The rivers usually are discussed in three parts: their upper, middle, and lower courses. The upper courses are restricted to the valleys and gorges of eastern Anatolia, through which the rivers descend from their sources, lying 6,000 to 10,000 feet (1,800 to 3,000 metres) above sea level. Their middle courses traverse the uplands of northern Syria and Iraq, at elevations varying from 1,200 feet (370 metres) at the foot of the so-called Kurdish Escarpment to 170 feet (50 metres) where the rivers empty onto the plain of central Iraq. Finally, their lower courses meander across that alluvial plain, which both rivers have created jointly. At Al-Qurnah the rivers join to form the Shatt al-Arab in the southeastern corner of Iraq, which empties into the sea.
Physical features
General considerations
Having risen in close proximity, the Tigris and Euphrates diverge sharply in their upper courses, to a maximum distance of some 250 miles (400 km) apart near the Turkish-Syrian border. Their middle courses gradually approach each other, bounding a triangle of mainly barren limestone desert known as Al-Jazīrah (Arabic: “The Island”) in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, and extreme northeastern Syria. There the rivers have cut deep and permanent beds in the rock, so that their courses have undergone only minor changes since prehistoric times. Along the northeastern edge of Al-Jazīrah, the Tigris drains the rain-fed heart of ancient Assyria, while along the southwestern limit the Euphrates crosses true desert.
On the alluvial plain, south of the Iraqi towns of Sāmarrāʾ and Al-Ramādī, both rivers have undergone major shifts throughout the millennia, some as a consequence of human intervention. The 7,000 years of irrigation farming on the alluvium have created a complex landscape of natural levees, fossil meanders, abandoned canal systems, and thousands of ancient settlement sites. The location of tells—raised mounds under which are found the ruins of towns and cities of ancient Babylonia and Sumer—often bears no relation to present-day watercourses. In the vicinity of Al-Fallūjah and the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, the distance separating the rivers is reduced to some 30 miles (50 km), so small that, prior to its damming, floodwaters from the Euphrates often reached the capital on the Tigris. During the Sāsānian period (3rd century ce), an elaborate feat of engineering linked the two rivers along that narrow neck by five navigable canals (the Īsā, Ṣarṣar, Malik, Kūthā, and Shaṭṭ al-Nīl canals), allowing Euphrates water to empty into the Tigris.
South of Baghdad the rivers exhibit strongly contrasting characteristics. The Tigris, especially after its confluence with the silt-laden Diyālā River, carries a greater volume than the Euphrates; cuts into the alluvium; forms tortuous meanders; and, even in modern times, has been subject to great floods and consequent natural levee building. Only below Al-Kūt does the Tigris ride high enough over the plain to permit tapping for flow irrigation. The Euphrates, by contrast, builds its bed at a level considerably above the alluvial plain and has been used throughout history as the main source of Mesopotamian irrigation.
The Gharrāf River, now a branch of the Tigris but in ancient times the main bed of that river, joins the Euphrates below Al-Nāṣiriyyah. In the southern alluvial plain, both rivers flow through marshes, and the Euphrates flows through Lake Al-Ḥammār, an open stretch of water. Finally, the Euphrates and Tigris join and flow as the Shatt al-Arab to the Persian Gulf.
Physiography of the Euphrates
The headwaters of the Euphrates are the Murat and the Karasu rivers in the Armenian Highland of northeastern Turkey. Considerably altered in the 20th century by water-control projects, they join to form the Euphrates at Keban, near Elazığ, where the Keban Dam (completed 1974), spans a deep gorge. The river breaks through the Taurus Mountains and descends to the high plain of southeastern Turkey (site of the ancient kingdom of Commagene) through the Karakaya and Atatürk dams, both built in the 1980s. The Atatürk Dam feeds a massive irrigation project. After flowing southwest to a point only 100 miles (160 km) east of the Mediterranean Sea, the Euphrates bends south and southeast into a relatively barren part of Syria, where the cultivable floodplain is no more than a few miles wide. The Euphrates Dam (completed 1973) impounds a large reservoir, Lake Al-Asad (Lake Assad), above the city of Al-Thawrah (Ṭabaqah). Below the dam, the reduced flow is supplemented by the Balīkh and the Khābūr rivers. Ample precipitation in the northern reaches of both those tributaries allowed the creation of major cities in ancient times and now supports intensive agriculture.
From its confluence with the Khābūr down to Abū Kamāl, the Euphrates flows through a broad agricultural province. Below the border with Iraq, the river once again narrows to an alluvial strip between limestone escarpments. The reservoir formed by the Ḥadīthah Dam submerged the ancient town of ʿĀnah and dozens of smaller settlements, as well as a major part of the agricultural base of the middle Euphrates. Below Hīt, the river begins to widen and irrigation increases.
Just south of the river below Al-Ramādī lie Lakes Al-Ḥabbāniyyah and Al-Milḥ, both of which are large depressions into which excess Euphrates water is diverted by controlled escape. A canal links Lake Al-Ḥabbāniyyah to Lake Al-Tharthār north of the river, which in turn draws overflow from the Tigris by canal. Between Al-Ramādī and Al-Hindiyyah—a distance of about 140 miles (225 km)—are the mouths of all the main controlled-irrigation canals, as well as most of the pumping installations. Near Al-Hindiyyah the river splits into two branches, Al-Ḥillah and Al-Hindiyyah, each of which, over the centuries, alternately has carried the main flow of the river. A barrage (a low dam for diverting water) at Al-Hindiyyah that collapsed in the late 19th century was replaced in 1908 by the present structure. The Al-Hindiyyah branch has been the main channel for several years. The Al-Ḥillah branch, which divides into numerous canals, has been extended, permitting cultivation in desert areas to the east and south. Below Al-Kifl, Al-Hindiyyah, which previously was uncontrollable and tended to dissipate itself in marshes, has been regulated and now supports large-scale rice production. Below Al-Nāṣiriyyah the river flows into marshes and then joins the Tigris at Al-Qurnah to form the Shatt al-Arab. Several major irrigation, drainage, and desalinization projects were halted by the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the Persian Gulf War (1990–91), and the subsequent trade embargo on Iraq during the 1990s. There were also disruptions of those functions during the Iraq War (2003–11).