gum acacia
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- description
- In acacia: Major species
Gum acacia (Acacia senegal), native to the Sudan region in Africa, yields true gum arabic, a substance used in adhesives, pharmaceuticals, inks, confections, and other products. The bark of most acacias is rich in tannin, which is used in tanning and in dyes, inks, pharmaceuticals, and other…
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- use in gum production
flora of
- Sénégal River valley
- In Sénégal River: Plant and animal life
…of the Sénégal valley are acacias, notably Acacia nilotica, which grows profusely on banks, and A. senegal, which provides the gum arabic of commerce and grows on drier slopes. The grass Vetiveria nigritiana grows in tufts in wet depressions. In dry areas near the valley sides A. albida, Balanites aegyptiaca…
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- South Sudan
- In South Sudan: Plant and animal life
…these savannas, with one species, A. senegal, yielding gum arabic, which was long one of Sudan’s principal exports. The high-rainfall savannas of the south-central part of the country are more lush, with rich grasses along the Nile that support a large number of cattle. The intermittent woodlands dotting this belt…
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