Brazil nut tree
Also known as: Bertholletia excelsa, Para nut tree
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- Amazon Rain Forest
- In Amazon River: Plant life
Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa), sapucaia trees (Lecythis), and sucupira trees (Bowdichia). Below the canopy are two or three levels of shade-tolerant trees, including certain species of palms—of the genera Mauritia, Orbignya, and Euterpe. Myrtles, laurels, bignonias, figs, Spanish
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- description
- In Brazil nut
The Brazil nut tree grows wild in stands in the Amazon River basin. It will often tower over its neighbours, reaching heights of 49 metres (160 feet) or more, with its crown spreading over 30 metres (100 feet) in diameter. The buttressed trunk is usually less…
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- mutualism