windmill grass
- Also called:
- finger grass
windmill grass, (genus Chloris), genus of about 55 species of annual and perennial grasses of the family Poaceae, distributed throughout warm regions of the world. Several are used as forage and hay grasses, and a number are considered weeds or invasive species in areas outside their native range.
Windmill grasses are highly variable in growth habit. Some species spread by rhizomes (underground stems) or stolons, while others are clumping or tufted. The linear leaf blades often feature coarse hairs at the base and along the margins. The branching inflorescences are characteristically umbel-like (flower stalks of nearly equal length emerge from a common centre) and bear minute flowers.
Feathered finger grass (Chloris virgata) is a weedy North American annual with feathery flower spikelets. Australian finger grass (C. truncata) and the North American tumble windmill grass (C. verticillata) are perennial species of waste areas. Rhodes grass (C. gayana), a tufted perennial native to South Africa, has been introduced into other areas of the world for forage.