Evolutionary development
Certain Equisetopsida flourished as trees (e.g., Calamites species) during the coal-forming Carboniferous Period, but the earliest sphenophytes appeared as early as the Devonian. In its fossil history the class constituted a much larger portion of the flora of the Earth than it does at the present time.
Equisetum, which may also have been present during the Carboniferous, is perhaps one of the oldest living genera of vascular plants. The more primitive species have perennial, green shoots. The advanced species have annual, green, branched, vegetative shoots and often nongreen, unbranched, fertile shoots. Intermediate combinations of these features occur in some species.
Annotated classification
Botanists recognize four to six different orders in the class. Only one order, Equisetales, has both living and extinct species; all others comprise extinct sphenophytes. The latter are indicated by a dagger (†) in the listing below.
- Division Pteridophyta (ferns and fern allies, pteridophytes)
- Class Equisetopsida (horsetails)
- Extinct and living primitive, seedless, homosporous vascular plants with jointed, ribbed stems and whorls of leaves at regular intervals along the stem.
- †Order Hyeniales (Protoarticulatae)
- Extinct shrublike plants, with short, forked leaves in whorls; 1 family: Hyeniaceae (now placed with the Polypodiopsida—true ferns—by some paleobotanists).
- †Order Pseudoborniales
- One family, Pseudoborniaceae, with a single extinct species, Pseudobornia ursina; 15 to 20 metres (50 to 65 feet) tall.
- †Order Sphenophyllales
- Extinct scrambling or vinelike understory plants, 1 metre (3 feet) tall, with small, wedge-shape leaves; 2 families: Sphenophyllaceae and Cheirostrobaceae.
- Order Equisetales
- Two families: Calamitaceae, extinct tree horsetails; and Equisetaceae, herbaceous living horsetails and fossil allies with needlelike leaves in whorls along the stem; 15 extant species in the genus Equisetum and several extinct species in the genus Equisetites.
Critical appraisal
The extant genus Equisetum is a small remnant of a once diverse and dominant plant group. Although the genus includes two rather distinct groups, modern botanists recognize but a single genus.
Ernest M. Gifford John T. Mickel