inch plant
Also known as: Tradescantia zebrina, Zebrina pendula
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In spiderwort: Major species
small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis) and inch plant (T. zebrina). The latter has an array of colourful-leaved varieties including ‘Purpusii,’ with dark red or bronzy leaves, and ‘Quadricolor,’ with metallic-green leaves striped with green, red, and white. White velvet, or white-gossamer (T. sillamontana), has leaves and stems covered with a whitish…
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use as houseplant
- In houseplant: Climbers and trailers
…jew, species of Tradescantia and Zebrina, are rapid growers with watery stems and varicoloured leaves; these long-beloved houseplants are used widely in window shelves or hanging baskets. The spider plants (Chlorophytum, or Anthericum) are houseplant favourites, forming clusters of fresh green ribbonlike leaves banded white; young plantlets develop from the…
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