carrion flower
- Related Topics:
- Asclepiadoideae
- succulent
carrion flower, (genus Stapelia), genus of about 44 species of succulent plants of the milkweed family (Apocynaceae), native to tropical areas of southern Africa. They are named for the unpleasant carrion odour of their large flowers, which attracts flies to pollinate the plants and lay their eggs there. A few species are cultivated as ornamentals.
Carrion flowers have thick four-sided grooved stems, often coloured or covered with outgrowths. The plants lack true leaves but have scales or spines. The flowers have purple, red, or yellow bars and markings and are often hairy or textured. The fruit is a follicle.
Smilax herbacea, a native American woodland vine, has malodorous flowers and is also called carrion flower. It is of the family Smilacaceae.