common teasel
Also known as: Dipsacus fullonum, Dipsacus sylvestris
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In teasel: Major species
Common teasel (D. fullonum) is similar to Fuller’s teasel but has upright rather than hooked bracts that are not useful for fulling. Common teasel is treated as a weed in both Europe and North America.
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ecological disturbances
- In ecological disturbance: Disturbance and biodiversity in prairie landscapes
For instance, the common teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris) often functions as a biennial plant that inhabits disturbed sites. It has a broad-leafed basal rosette (a cluster of leaves forming a crowded circle), up to about 100 cm (about 39 inches) in diameter, that dies back as the plant matures, usually…
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