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gas plant
Gas plant (Dictamnus albus).
gas plant
plant species
Also known as: Dictamnus albus, European dittany, burning bush, dittany, fraxinella, gasplant
- Also called:
- dittany, burning bush, or fraxinella
- Related Topics:
- burning bush
- dittany
gas plant, (Dictamnus albus), gland-covered herb of the rue family (Rutaceae). Gas plant is native to Eurasia and is grown as an ornamental in many places. The flowers (white or pink) and the leaves give off a strong aromatic vapour that can be ignited—hence the names gas plant and burning bush.
Gas plant is a herbaceous perennial with a woody base. It typically reaches 61–122 cm (2–4 feet) in height. The five-petaled flowers are borne in terminal racimes and produce dry star-shaped fruits. The compound leaves are glossy and can cause skin irritation in some people.