rusty blackhaw
Also known as: Viburnum rufidulum
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In viburnum
…North American species are the southern black haw (V. rufidulum), similar but taller; the sheepberry, or nannyberry (V. lentago), with finely toothed, oval leaves; and the arrowwood (V. dentatum), with roundish to oval, coarsely toothed leaves. Laurustinus (V. tinus), a 3-metre-tall evergreen with oblong leaves, is native to the Mediterranean…
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- In Dipsacales: Adoxaceae
In contrast, rusty blackhaw (V. rufidulum) and softleaf arrowwood (V. molle) prefer dry rocky woods or hills. Viburnum is also an important horticultural genus; some of its cultivated species include guelder rose (V. opulus), arrowwood (V. dentatum), and Chinese snowball (V. macrocephalum).
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