- Also spelled:
- zoysia grass
zoysiagrass, (genus Zoysia), genus of creeping grasses of the family Poaceae, comprising four or five perennial species. Zoysiagrasses are native to southeastern Asia and New Zealand and are common along coastal grasslands. They are excellent cover for flat sandy open areas and are widely used as lawn grasses.
Zoysia species are low sod-forming grasses and spread by strong branching rhizomes (underground stems) or stolons. The wiry leaves are flat or somewhat curled and have a high silica content. The minute flowers are borne in dense cylindrical inflorescences. The plants are fairly resistant to pests and diseases.
Japanese, or Korean, lawngrass (Z. japonica), Manila grass (Z. matrella), and Mascarene grass (Z. tenuifolia) were introduced into North America as turf and lawn grasses and tolerate a variety of growing conditions. The leaves are fine-bladed in both the Manila and Mascarene grasses.