cell, in electricity, unit structure used to generate an electrical current by some means other than the motion of a conductor in a magnetic field. A solar cell, for example, consists of a semiconductor junction that converts sunlight directly into electricity. A dry cell is a chemical battery in which no free liquid is present, the electrolyte being soaked up by some absorbent material such as cardboard. A primary, or voltaic, cell produces electricity by means of a chemical reaction but is not rechargeable to any great extent. The conventional dry cell (e.g., flashlight or transistor-radio battery) is a primary cell. A secondary cell, such as a lead-acid storage battery, is rechargeable, as are some primary cells, such as the nickel–cadmium cell. A fuel cell produces an electrical current by constantly changing the chemical energy of a fuel and an oxidizing agent, separately stored and supplied to a chamber containing electrodes, to electrical energy. Two or more cells connected together are a battery, although in common usage “battery” is also used to designate a single cell.