Cephallenia, island, largest of the Ionian Islands, west of the Gulf of Patraïkós. With the island of Ithaca (Itháki) and smaller nearby islands, it forms the nomós (department) of Kefallinía in modern Greece. The island, with an area of 302 square miles (781 square km), is mountainous, and Mount Aínos (ancient Mount Aenos; 5,341 feet [1,628 metres]) is often snowcapped for months. Except for the Raki, there are few permanent streams, and springs can fail in the summer. In the west a gulf penetrates the island from the south; on its east side is the capital and port of Argostólion, on its west side is the town of Lixoúrion. Agriculture is limited; currants are the chief export, but olives, grapes, grain, and cotton are also grown. Cephallenia’s manufactures include lace, carpets, wine, and boats.
The island was an important Mycenaean centre and was probably the island known to Homer as Same. In the Peloponnesian War it sided with Athens and later was a member of the Aetolian League. It surrendered to Rome in 189 bc but later revolted and was subdued. During the Middle Ages it was captured by the Norman adventurer Robert Guiscard, who died there during a revolt in 1085. It then was ruled by various Neapolitan and Venetian families until it fell to the Turks (1479–99), only to revert again to Venetian rule. In 1797 France briefly possessed it, and in 1809 it was taken by the British, who established a protectorate over the Ionian Islands by the terms of the Treaty of Paris (1815). The islands were ceded to Greece in 1864. In 1953 an earthquake devastated the island, destroying Argostólion and other villages. Close to Argostólion are the ruins of Cranii and the Venetian castle of St. George (Hagios Georgios). Several Mycenaean tombs exist at Mazakarata and Diakata.