Qin Hui
Qin Hui (born 1090, Jiangning, Jiangsu province, China—died 1155, Hangzhou) was a minister of the Song dynasty (960–1279) who led a peace party that opposed continued prosecution of a war to regain former Chinese territory in the North. He is remembered as a traitor, however, in Chinese history.
After Juchen tribes had occupied the North and captured the Song emperor in 1127, a Song prince, later known as the Gaozong emperor (reigned 1127–62), reestablished the dynasty in the South—often referred to as the Nan (Southern) Song (1127–1279). Later, when the patriotic general Yue Fei attempted to reconquer the occupied northern territory, Qin Hui argued that such a campaign would be too costly and had the recalcitrant Yue Fei executed. In 1141 a peace treaty was signed.