Chinantec, Middle American Indians of northwestern Oaxaca in southern Mexico. The area is mountainous and not easily accessible. The Chinantec, who numbered about 150,000 in the late 20th century, are agricultural, as are most Middle American Indians. Corn (maize) and beans, supplemented by cassava and yams, are the staple crops. Cultivation is by hand, with digging stick and hoe. Chicken, pork, and fish provide protein in the Chinantec diet. Wild fruit is gathered, although cultivated fruit is rare. Large, windowless, rectangular houses are built of vertically placed logs and thatch roofs. Native crafts are declining, but baskets and carrying bags are made; cloth for the huipil (long blouse or tunic for women) is woven where it is still worn. In some localities women wear the huipil woven in bright patterns, with or without an underskirt; the traditional costume for men is no longer worn.
The compadrazgo, or godparent rite, is practiced, bonding a child’s parents to the chosen godparent by various rituals and obligations. The Chinantec practice Roman Catholicism with syncretistic additions; rain and crop-fertility rituals have disappeared.