Chronica Hungarorum
Chronica Hungarorum, the first book printed in Hungary, issued from the press of András Hess in Buda, now Budapest, on June 5, 1473. Hess, who was probably of German origin, dedicated the book to his patron, László Karai, provost of Buda, who had invited him to Hungary from Rome.
The first 24 parts of the chronicles describe the history of the Huns, the remaining chapters that of the Magyars. The work is augmented by the archdeacon János Küküllei’s biography of King Louis I (ruled 1342–82). The history of the period from 1382 to 1468 is sketchy; material for this section was probably gathered by Hess himself. The concluding eulogy for King Matthias I Corvinus (ruled 1458–90) was also most probably Hess’s work. Only a few copies survive. A facsimile edition was published in 1900.