coevolutionary alternation
coevolutionary alternation, in ecology, the process by which one species coevolves with several other species by shifting among the species with which it interacts over many generations.
European cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) provide an example of this type of coevolution. The cuckoos behave as brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other avian species and depending on these hosts to raise their young. The four major host species for cuckoos in Britain are meadow pipits (Anthus pratensis), reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), pied wagtails (Motacilla alba yarrellii), and dunnocks (Prunella modularis).
Cuckoo populations have evolved many adaptations that enable them to trick their hosts into rearing their young, the most impressive of which is the production of eggs that resemble those of their host. Cuckoos can produce eggs that are very similar in colour to the eggs of meadow pipits, reed warblers, or pied wagtails. Three different cuckoo genotypes are responsible for the production of these three different egg colours, and thus cuckoos are said to be polymorphic with respect to egg colour. These genotypes are maintained in cuckoo populations because natural selection is continually changing which genotype is favoured. This occurs because after many generations the host species can develop defenses against the cuckoo, such as the ability to discriminate between eggs and eject those that have only minute differences from their own. (That this ability to reject eggs is evolved is evidenced by the fact that in Iceland, where cuckoos are not indigenous, pied wagtails and meadow pipits will accept cuckoo eggs placed in their nests by researchers.) As the gene for this defensive maneuver spreads throughout the host population, cuckoos with genotypes that allow them to produce eggs mimicking the egg colour of a new host are favoured.
By alternating among hosts, cuckoos are coevolving with a number of bird species in Britain. Some of their current hosts, including dunnocks, have few defenses against cuckoos and do not reject cuckoo eggs, which may indicate that these hosts have been targeted by cuckoos relatively recently. Some other potential hosts that cuckoos do not currently colonize will strongly reject any eggs that are not exactly like their own, suggesting that these bird species may have been hosts in the recent past but were abandoned by cuckoos after defenses against them evolved. Over many generations, these former hosts will probably lose their defenses because the evolutionary pressure to retain them has been relaxed—they are no longer being attacked by cuckoos. In Britain the loss of these kinds of defenses makes the birds once again targets for attack by cuckoos, thereby continuing the process of coevolutionary alternation among hosts.