Free Software Foundation
Free Software Foundation, nonprofit corporation formed in 1985 by American computer programmer Richard Stallman in order to promote open-source software—that is, free computer programs that can be freely modified and shared. The foundation is headquartered in Boston, Mass.
The initial focus of the foundation was to support the GNU Project, or GNU operating system, which Stallman had begun in 1983. GNU was intended to be a free version of AT&T’s UNIX—the name GNU was created as a recursive acronym of “GNU’s not UNIX.” Although the GNU Project produced many useful system utilities, it had less success in developing a kernel, or central module of an operating system, that did not rely on any of the proprietary code from UNIX. Beginning about 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish computer science student, started his own open-source program to develop a UNIX-like kernel, which his project eventually named Linux. Linux 1.0 was released in 1994. Together with the utilities from the GNU Project, to which Torvalds had access, a new operating system was born, known as GNU/Linux or just Linux.
Since the mid-1990s, the Free Software Foundation has used its resources to support the development of free software and to develop a legal contract, the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), commonly known as a copyleft agreement. Copyleft agreements are an alternative to placing software in the public domain or under traditional copyright laws. Software covered by copyleft agreements can be modified in any way so long as the finished work and any further derivative works retain the same restrictions imposed on the original software by its author.