Colebrook-Cameron Commission
Colebrook-Cameron Commission, committee sent by the British government in 1829–32 to investigate its colonial government in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and to make recommendations for administrative, financial, economic, and judicial reform. Most of the recommendations were accepted; they signified for Ceylon the first manifestation of constitutional government, the first steps toward modernizing the traditional economic system, and the beginnings of a uniform system of justice, education, and civil administration.
The recommendations of the commission were as follows: (1) that the formerly absolute power of the governor of Ceylon be limited by a separation of the executive, legislative, and judicial authorities, a step that would entail the creation of an Executive Council, which was to act jointly with the governor in decision making, and a Legislative Council, which was to include some native Ceylonese members; (2) that all of Ceylon be united under one administrative system; (3) that more civil service posts be opened to natives; (4) that a uniform judicial system be created to promote greater efficiency and equal treatment before the law of Ceylonese and Europeans; (5) that rājākariya, the traditional system of land tenure, be abolished, along with government trade monopolies; and (6) that a uniform system of education be developed, with English as the medium of instruction.