Left Party
Left Party, German political party that ruled East Germany as the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and now contests elections in united Germany.
At the behest of the Soviet Union, the SED was formed in April 1946 through a merger of the German Communist and Social Democratic parties. For the following four decades the SED controlled all of East Germany’s major institutions (with the exception of churches), governing through repressive means. The party, under its general secretary, Walter Ulbricht, maintained order through the feared Stasi, the country’s secret police service.
In 1971 Erich Honecker replaced Ulbricht as party leader. Under his leadership East Germany established diplomatic relations with West Germany and joined the United Nations. However, he continued authoritarian domestic policies, refusing to implement limited reforms even after such measures had been introduced in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid-1980s. Ultimately, a wave of popular discontent forced the SED from power in 1989, paving the way for reunification with West Germany the following year.
In the wake of unification, the SED sought to resurrect itself, adopting a centrist name, the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), and replacing its older leaders with younger, more moderate figures, such as its chairman, Gregor Gysi. In 1990, in the first all-German election since the 1930s, the PDS won 11 percent of the vote in former East German territories but won almost no votes from former West Germans. With the faltering economy of eastern Germany during much of the 1990s fueling popular discontent among its large unemployed population, the PDS continued to attract support there. In both 1994 and 1998 the PDS captured some one-fifth of the votes in eastern Germany. In 1998 it formed a coalition government with the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the Land (state) of Mecklenburg–West Pomerania, despite opposition from the SPD’s national leadership, and it also entered a coalition with the SPD in Berlin after that city’s elections in 2001.
During the 1990s the PDS, which had inherited much of the SED’s infrastructure and assets, had some 125,000 members in eastern Germany—most of them unemployed former members of the SED. But while it was the largest party in eastern Germany, its membership in western Germany was quite limited, with little more than 1,000 members. In 1995 the PDS endorsed a radical social democratic platform but rejected overtly Marxist and communist policies. The party also called for Germany to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Dropping below the 5 percent threshold in 2002, the PDS won only two seats in the federal Bundestag, the lower house of parliament. For the 2005 elections, the PDS allied with disillusioned members of the SPD and Green parties—who had established Electoral Alternative Labour and Social Justice (Die Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit) in western Germany—to form the Left Party, which captured 54 seats in the Bundestag. Support for the Left Party continued to grow, and in the 2009 parliamentary elections it won 11.9 percent of the national vote and captured 76 seats in the Bundestag. That support wavered slightly in the 2013 elections, in which the Left Party garnered about 8 percent of the vote.