Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution, nationwide protest movement in Czechoslovakia in November–December 1989 that ended more than 40 years of communist rule in the country.
In 1989 a wave of protests against communist rule erupted in eastern Europe. On November 16 students in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, gathered for a peaceful demonstration, and the next day a student march, approved by the authorities, took place in Prague. The Prague march was intended to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the suppression of a student demonstration in German-occupied Prague, but students soon began criticizing the regime, and the police reacted with brutality.
This incident set off the Velvet Revolution, which gained particular strength in the country’s industrial centres. Prodemocracy demonstrations and strikes took place under the makeshift leadership of the Civic Forum, an opposition group for which the chief spokesman was Václav Havel, a dissident playwright and coauthor of Charter 77, a petition (1977) that urged the government to observe human rights as outlined in the Helsinki Accords of 1975. In Slovakia a parallel group named Public Against Violence was founded. Daily mass gatherings culminated in a general strike on November 27, during which the people demanded free elections and an end to one-party rule.
The communist authorities were forced to negotiate with the opposition. As a result, a transition government incorporating members of the Civic Forum and Public Against Violence was formed, and Gustáv Husák resigned on December 10, 1989. Havel was elected to the post of interim president on December 29, 1989, and he was reelected to the presidency in July 1990, becoming the country’s first noncommunist leader since 1948.