Gallup organization
Gallup organization, U.S. research and polling organization, founded in 1958 by the American statistician George Horace Gallup. The organization is best known for its Gallup Polls, which are surveys it conducts to measure public opinion on political and economic matters and to predict the outcome of key events, such as the U.S. presidential elections. The organization also develops business performance metrics, conducts marketing research, and provides consulting services to major businesses, governments, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) around the world. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
The reputation of Gallup and the Gallup Poll predates the official establishment of the Gallup organization. Gallup was the founder in 1935 of the American Institute of Public Opinion, which became famous when the institute correctly predicted that Franklin D. Roosevelt would defeat Alf Landon in the U.S. presidential election of 1936, despite the counter-predictions of other polls at that time. In doing so, he relied on novel polling techniques that delivered more-accurate results.
In the late 1930s Gallup led a group of international survey researchers and established an international polling team that would eventually become a part of the Gallup International Research Institutes (GIRI)—an association of independent polling organizations then representing almost 50 countries. In 1958 the Gallup organization was established to replace GIRI and, building on the reputation of its founder, quickly became a major polling brand in the United States and throughout the world.
In 1988 Gallup entered a new era when it was acquired by Selection Research, Inc. (SRI), a private research institution based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Under its new leadership, Gallup expanded its reach into business and marketing research, developing new surveys to measure customer satisfaction and total quality management—the efficiency of processes in every stage of production. In the 1990s those new ventures led to exponential growth in Gallup’s business and revenue, turning it into a multinational consulting organization advising clients around the world.
The first decade of the 21st century witnessed the creation of new businesses within Gallup. In 2002 Gallup introduced Gallup Brain, the world’s first Web-based archive of opinion polls, containing millions of records dating from 1935 on a myriad of topics. In 2003 Gallup University opened its doors in Omaha, Nebraska. In 2004 Gallup Press was established to serve as the new publishing arm of the organization, producing numerous books and the monthly Gallup Management Journal.