flag of Kansas

Kansas state flag
flag of KansasU.S. state flag consisting of a dark blue field (background) with a sunflower emblem and the state seal above the name of the state in golden yellow lettering.

In the flag history of Kansas an unusual distinction was made between the so-called “state banner” and the “state flag.” A state banner was first adopted on February 27, 1925, consisting of the name of the state written above the state seal and set on a background of blue. The seal was framed by a sunflower, adopted in 1903 as the state floral emblem. On June 30, 1953, the state banner was very much simplified; thereafter it was blue with a large sunflower blossom, including a brown centre and gold petals. Neither of these banners, however, was extensively used.

The state flag adopted on March 23, 1927, usually represented the state on official occasions. It showed the state seal without the inscriptions on its outer rim; above was the crest of Kansas as used by its National Guard—a naturalistic sunflower over a heraldic torse (wreath) of yellow and blue. Complaints were raised that this flag was so close in design to those of many other states that it could not readily be identified. Thus in 1961 the state’s name was added below the seal in large golden letters. Modifications have also been made in the seal design. In 1985 it was decided that the homesteader’s cabin in the seal should no longer have smoke pouring from its chimney and that the herd of bison should comprise exactly five animals. The seal, dating from 1861, is very complex to manufacture if made in accordance with regulations.

Whitney Smith