The Conversion of St. Paul
The Conversion of St. Paul, two paintings (c. 1601) by Italian artist Caravaggio portraying the conversion of Paul the Apostle to Christianity. The second version, which hangs in the funerary chapel of Tiberio Cerasi in the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, is the better-known work. It depicts the scene by using a dynamic composition and extreme austerity.
In 1600 Caravaggio received a commission from Cerasi, the treasurer general for the pope, to create two paintings for his funerary chapel. One of the subjects was the conversion of St. Paul, and the other was the crucifixion of St. Peter. The two works were to hang on the side walls of the chapel, flanking an altarpiece by Annibale Carracci depicting the Assumption of the Virgin. Santa Maria del Popolo was one of the principal pilgrimage churches of Rome, placed as it was at the northernmost edge of the city. These paintings were aimed squarely at poor pilgrims, intended to foster in them a sense of identification with the equally impoverished first followers of Christ. Caravaggio seemed a fitting choice for the commission, as he was known for accentuating the poverty and common humanity of Christ and his followers, the Apostles, saints, and martyrs.
The Conversion of St. Paul depicts the moment when Paul receives a vision that changes his life. He became one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, but he had spent much of the first half of his life persecuting the nascent Christian movement. This probably involved traveling from synagogue to synagogue and urging the punishment of Jewish people who accepted Jesus as the messiah. Paul was on his way to Damascus when, according to Galatians 1:16, God revealed his Son to him. More specifically, Paul states that he saw the Lord (1 Corinthians 9:1), though Acts claims that near Damascus he saw a blinding bright light. Following this revelation, which convinced Paul that God had indeed chosen Jesus to be the promised messiah, he eventually went to Jerusalem to meet Peter, chief of Jesus’ Apostles. After learning how Jesus had lived, Paul became a missionary. For the next 20 years or so, he established churches in Asia Minor and Europe. As a result of Paul’s work, Christianity soon spread across much of the Greco-Roman world.
Caravaggio’s first version of Paul’s conversion was rejected. That work is now housed in the Odescalchi Balbi Collection, Rome, and viewers can see that the narrative is somewhat hard to read. The painting has a complicated composition crowded with figures, including a cherub presenting a figure of Christ to Paul. For the second version, Caravaggio stripped the scene to its most essential components. He placed Paul on his back in a pool of light, just after being struck to the ground as if by a divine thunderbolt. The composition is unusual, with Paul toward the bottom of the painting, almost upside down, and the patient heavy horse dominating the upper half of the work, its head and its groom shrouded in shadow. Paul nonetheless dominates the foreground, his foreshortened body seeming as if it could tumble out of the frame. He appears to be experiencing the mystical truth of Christ’s entire life in an ecstasy of revelation mimed by his gesture and position: helpless as the newborn Jesus was at the Nativity, a baby in a manger, yet with his arms simultaneously outflung, as Christ’s were on the cross.
The work exemplifies Caravaggio’s established method of painting stories from the Bible as visceral dramas. He developed a highly original form of chiaroscuro, called tenebrism or tenebroso, which uses extreme contrasts of light and dark to emphasize details of gesture or facial expression: an outflung arm, a look of despair or longing. The light in this work not only suggests divinity but also draws attention to Paul’s rapt expression and his theatrically outstretched arms. Caravaggio typically staged the events of the distant sacred past as if they were taking place in the present day, depicting his subjects in modern settings and dress. The setting of this painting is not well defined, but Paul is lying on what appears to be a dirt floor, and the presence of the horse and groom suggests a stable. Caravaggio thus emphasizes Paul’s common humanity, choosing a humble setting for his experience of divine revelation. Interestingly, however, Caravaggio breaks from his use of modern attire: Paul is dressed as an ancient Roman soldier. According to his biography, Paul, although Jewish, was a Roman citizen. He was not, however, a soldier. Perhaps, in dressing him as such, Caravaggio is equating Paul’s previous persecution of Christians with that which Roman soldiers meted out to Jesus and that which they will later direct to Paul himself.