Miguel Alemán
Miguel Alemán (born Sept. 29, 1902, Sayula, Mex.—died May 14, 1983, Mexico City) was the president of Mexico from 1946 to 1952.
The son of a village shopkeeper, Alemán studied law and set up practice in Mexico City, specializing in labour cases. Appointed senator from Veracruz, he became governor of the state in 1936. In 1940 he resigned to manage the successful presidential campaign of Manuel Ávila Camacho, who rewarded him with the powerful post of minister of gobernación (“interior”). Alemán became the official candidate for the presidency on the ticket of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Revolutionary Institutional Party) in 1946 and easily defeated Ezequiel Padilla. His administration saw a slowdown in Mexico’s agrarian reform but greatly accelerated industrial development and public works projects. Most notable in his construction spree was the completion of University City, which is the core of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, one of the largest universities in the world. Although his regime was charged with extensive graft and corruption, economic progress was marked during his tenure. From the early 1960s he served as president of a national tourist council, a position he held until his death.