Alexander Of Aphrodisias
Alexander Of Aphrodisias (born c. 200) was a philosopher who is remembered for his commentaries on Aristotle’s works and for his own studies on the soul and the mind.
Toward the end of the 2nd century, Alexander became head of the Lyceum at Athens, an academy then dominated by the syncretistic philosophy of Ammonius Saccas, who blended the doctrines of Plato and Aristotle. Alexander’s commentaries were intended to reestablish Aristotle’s views in their pure form. Among the extant commentaries are those on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics I, the Topics, the Meteorology, the De sensu, and the Metaphysics I–V. Fragments of lost commentaries are found in later discussions by other writers. In antiquity Alexander’s influence was due primarily to the commentaries, which earned him the title “the expositor,” but in the Middle Ages he was better known for his original writings. The most important of these are On Fate, in which he defends free will against the Stoic doctrine of necessity, or predetermined human action; and On the Soul, in which he draws upon Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul and the intellect. According to Alexander, the human thought process, which he calls the “mortal intellect,” can function only with the help of the “active intellect,” which lies in every man and is yet identical with God. This doctrine was frequently and intensely debated in Europe after the beginning of the 13th century. In these disputes, which reflected disagreements over the proper interpretation of Aristotle’s attitude toward personal immortality, the Alexandrists accepted Alexander’s interpretation that man’s intellect does not survive the death of the physical body.