crime against humanity
crime against humanity, an offense in international criminal law, adopted in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nürnberg Charter), which tried surviving Nazi leaders in 1945, and was, in 1998, incorporated into the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Crimes against humanity consist of various acts—murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, forcible transfers of populations, imprisonment, rape, persecution, enforced disappearance, and apartheid, among others—when, according to the ICC , those are “committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population.” The term also has a broader use in condemning other acts that, in a phrase often used, “shock the conscience of mankind.” World poverty, human-made environmental disasters, and terrorist attacks have thus been described as crimes against humanity. The broader use of the term may be intended only to register the highest possible level of moral outrage, or the intention may be to suggest that such offenses be recognized, formally, as legal offenses.
Considered either as a legal offense or as a moral category, the concept of crimes against humanity embodies the idea that individuals who either make or follow state policy can be held accountable by the international community. It thus modifies traditional notions of sovereignty according to which state leaders and those who obeyed them enjoyed immunity. Political and legal theorists have justified that challenge to the idea of sovereignty in several ways. For some, a crime against humanity is simply an inhumanity of an especially gross type. For others, major atrocities have the potential to damage international peace, for they are either a prelude to external aggression or have effects that spill over state borders. For still others, genocide is at the core of crimes against humanity; the term crime against humanity was first officially used in condemning the Armenian Genocide and was first adopted in law as a response to the Holocaust. Genocidal attacks on people on the basis of group membership implicitly deny the victims’ human status, according to that view, thus affronting all human beings. Yet others reject those views and focus rather on the basic nature of state authority: states are justified only by their capacity to protect their citizens, and, when their powers turn atrociously against a state’s own citizens, they lose all warrant, and those who direct and obey them become subject to judgment and sanction by the entire human community. How to distribute blame between those who direct and those who follow is, however, a contested issue in both morality and law.