Francesco Crispi
Francesco Crispi (born Oct. 4, 1819, Ribera, Sicily [Italy]—died Aug. 12, 1901, Naples) was an Italian statesman who, after being exiled from Naples and Sardinia-Piedmont for revolutionary activities, eventually became premier of a united Italy.
Crispi grew up in Sicily, where he studied law; but, disillusioned by conditions there, he went to Naples, where he became active in republican agitation. He helped plan the successful 1848 uprising in Sicily and became one of the deputies in the new government before the island was regained by the Bourbon King Ferdinand II in 1849.
Crispi fled to Turin, where he became a journalist. Suspected of complicity in an uprising in Milan in 1853, he was exiled and made his way to London, where he met Giuseppe Mazzini, the leader of the republican movement in Italy. Crispi and the republicans hoped eventually to unify Italy by beginning a revolution in Sicily, and in 1859 Crispi twice traveled to Sicily, using forged passports, to organize another uprising. After much delay he persuaded Giuseppe Garibaldi to invade Sicily in May 1860 with his band of volunteers, known as “the Thousand,” to assist the popular uprising there. Quickly conquering the whole island, Garibaldi proclaimed himself dictator and named Crispi minister of the interior.
In that powerful position Crispi came into conflict with Count Cavour, premier of Sardinia-Piedmont, who wanted to annex Sicily and Naples, which also had been conquered by Garibaldi. After Crispi’s forced resignation, Sicily and Naples were annexed to the newly created Kingdom of Italy (October 1860).
Elected deputy from Sicily in the new government (1861), Crispi, a temperamental, uncompromising man lacking diplomatic finesse, made many political enemies. He broke with his former ally Mazzini when he decided that unity, even under a monarch, was more important than the establishment of a republic (1865). Because of his past he was nevertheless suspected by the monarchists.
When the leftists came to power Crispi was elected president of the chamber (1876). After a visit to the foreign heads of state in 1877 he began to advocate that Italy should ally with Germany. Invited to be minister of the interior in the cabinet of Agostino Depretis (December 1877), he was within a few months forced to resign over a charge of bigamy.
When Depretis died Crispi formed his first cabinet (August 1887), which was characterized by liberal reform and economic crisis. Holding the positions of minister of the interior and minister of foreign affairs, as well as that of premier, he was accused of dictatorial tendencies. His foreign policy, moreover, was extremely unpopular, both because he renewed the alliance of 1882 with Austria-Hungary and Germany and because he broke off trade with France (1889), causing great economic hardship. A large budgetary deficit, necessitating increased taxes, toppled his government in 1891.
Nevertheless, in December 1893 Crispi again became premier. While he greatly improved the economic situation, he became increasingly repressive, brutally crushing a socialist uprising in Sicily. He also embarked upon a disastrous foreign policy. He organized Italy’s few possessions on the Red Sea into Eritrea, and then he tried to turn Italy into a colonial power in Africa. The disastrous Italian defeat at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 at the hands of Emperor Menilek II of Ethiopia earned Crispi a vote of censure that caused him to resign in March of the same year.