Herbert David Croly
Herbert David Croly (born Jan. 23, 1869, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died May 17, 1930, New York) was an American author, editor, and political philosopher, founder of the magazine The New Republic.
The son of widely known journalists, Croly was educated at Harvard University and spent his early adult years editing or contributing to architectural journals. In 1914 he founded the liberal weekly The New Republic, “A Journal of Opinion.” In its pages Croly attacked what he viewed as American complacency and argued that democratic institutions must constantly be revised to suit changing situations.
Of his books, the first, on social and political problems, The Promise of American Life (1909), was his most important. It influenced both Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. In his last years, Croly turned his attention chiefly to philosophic and religious questions.