Cryptanthus, genus of epiphytes (plants that are supported by other plants and have aerial roots exposed to humid atmosphere) of the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae), composed of about 10 to 20 South American species. The prickly-edged, stemless leaves grow in a rosette directly from the root. The flowers, usually white, are in a stalkless, dense bunch at the centre of the rosette.
A few species, especially C. acaulis and C. zonatus, are grown indoors for their attractive foliage. Both species have wavy-edged leaves that are silvery or whitish underneath. C. acaulis grows to about 15 centimetres (6 inches) and has several to many leaves. The strap-shaped leaves of C. zonatus are greenish brown or coppery on top with bands of tan or brown; the plant is about 22 cm tall.