tooth germ
tooth germ, embryonic tooth, derived from the mesodermal (middle) and ectodermal (outer) layers of embryonic tissues.
Tooth development in mammals, including humans, begins in the fetus when a thin ectodermal layer, the dental lamina, overlying the mouth sides of the rudimentary upper and lower jawbones, proliferates to form two horseshoe-shaped structures corresponding to the future dental arcades (the tooth rows). Enamel organs, in the form of rounded swellings, develop in the dental lamina; each swelling is the future site of a single tooth. The enamel organ is responsible for mapping out the full size and shape of the crown of the tooth; it also exerts an organizing influence over the development of the mesodermal portions of the tooth. Gradually becoming cup-shaped, the enamel organ partially encloses an adjacent mesodermal structure, the dental papilla. Unenclosed mesoderm of the dental papilla surrounds the enlarging enamel organ and forms a follicular sac. Together, enamel organ, dental papilla, and follicular sac constitute the tooth germ. After differentiation the enamel organ will have formed the enamel cap of the tooth crown; the dental papilla will have formed the dentine and pulp chamber of the tooth; and the follicular sac, the periodontal membrane. The inner and outer cellular layers of the enamel organ continue beyond the crown and constitute the sheath of Hertwig, which maps out the shape of the tooth roots; these are later calcified by cells of mesodermal origin. Mineralization occurs at the junction of enamel organ and dental papilla. Tooth cells that are active in differentiation and calcification of the teeth include ameloblasts for the enamel, odontoblasts for the dentine, and cementoblasts for the cementum.
When the crown is complete, the growing roots push the tooth toward the mouth cavity. Overlying bone is resorbed so that the bony crypt becomes a tooth socket, and the follicular sac is converted into a periodontal membrane, which supports and retains the tooth in its socket.
Tooth development in nonmammalian vertebrates, except the crocodiles, is considerably different. Teeth do not have roots or periodontal membranes and are not set in sockets. During development there is no follicular sac. Enamel does not occur either, but the teeth are covered by a tough form of dentine, vitrodentine. See also tooth.