syphilis test
syphilis test, any of several laboratory procedures for the detection of syphilis. The most commonly used tests are carried out on a sample of blood serum (serological tests for syphilis, or STS). Serological tests are divided into two types: nontreponemal and treponemal. Nontreponemal tests include the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test and the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test, both of which are based on the detection in the blood of syphilis reagin (a type of serum antibody). Treponemal tests include the Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA; or T. pallidum particle agglutination assay, TPPA); the enzyme immunoassay (EIA); and the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test. Treponemal tests are based on the detection of treponemal antibody—the antibody that attacks T. pallidum, the spirochete that causes syphilis—in the blood. In most cases, the diagnosis of syphilis is performed using both a nontreponemal and a treponemal test.
In RPR and VDRL the detection of syphilis reagin is based on the reaction of reagin with a lipid antigen usually extracted from beef heart to produce a visible clumping, or flocculation, within the serum. VDRL, which can be performed on a sample of blood or cerebrospinal fluid, is a rapid slide technique with a relatively high degree of sensitivity and specificity. However, both RPR and VDRL are useful only after the body has a sufficient amount of time to generate a detectable amount of reagin, which usually occurs several weeks following the appearance of a chancre in primary disease. Thus, confirmation with a second test, usually TPHA, or with examination of a tissue sample for infectious organisms is required.
TPHA and FTA-ABS are effective in the confirmation of infection with syphilis. These tests may be supported by the use of dark-field microscopy to identify T. pallidum. In TPHA a patient’s serum is applied to sheep red blood cells that express T. pallidum antigens. The agglutination, or clumping together of the antibody and blood cells, indicates infection. In FTA-ABS a patient’s serum sample is treated to remove nonspecific antibodies and then is applied to a slide that has T. pallidum antigens on its surface. Antibodies that bind to antigens on the slide attract fluorescent molecules; these molecules enable antibody-antigen binding to be detected under a microscope. Because the intensity of fluorescence can be quantified, strong-positive and weak-positive results can be differentiated, thereby facilitating decisions on treatment and follow-up screening. Dark-field microscopy is useful in confirming serological tests for syphilis in the early stages of disease and is performed using a tissue specimen obtained from a syphilitic lesion or from the regional lymph node. T. pallidum are corkscrew-shaped organisms and therefore are relatively easy to identify using this technique. In the later asymptomatic stage, examination of the cerebrospinal fluid is the most reliable method for determining possible involvement of the central nervous system.