Darwin, capital and chief port of Northern Territory, Australia. It is situated on a low peninsula northeast of the entrance to its harbour, Port Darwin, a deep inlet of Beagle Gulf of the Timor Sea. The harbour was found in 1839 by John Stokes, surveyor aboard the ship HMS Beagle and was named for the British naturalist Charles Darwin.
The site was not settled until 1869 and was known as Palmerston until it was renamed for the harbour in 1911. In that year the Northern Territory went from South Australian to Australian Commonwealth administration. Darwin received a stimulus from the development of air services during the 1930s and from its use as a fueling and military base in World War II. It was severely bombed by the Japanese in 1942 but was extensively rebuilt. Darwin was gazetted a city in 1959. In December 1974 Cyclone Tracy damaged or destroyed nearly all of the city; two-thirds of the residents were evacuated. With government assistance Darwin was rebuilt a second time, making it one of the most modern cities in Australia.
The city is a service centre for a developing pastoral and mining hinterland. Its economy is also dependent on government business, tile and brickmaking, fruit growing, servicing of army, navy, and air force bases, Timor Sea oil exploration, and the export of cattle, uranium ore, and pearls. A railway connects Darwin with Alice Springs to the south, the final portion of a north-south transcontinental line linking Darwin with Adelaide, South Australia. Pop. (2006) local government area, 66,291; (2011) local government area, 72,930.