Yang-Mills theory
Yang-Mills theory, in physics, a generalization of Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell’s unified theory of electromagnetism, also known as Maxwell’s equations, used to describe the weak force and the strong force in subatomic particles in terms of a geometric structure, or quantum field theory. The Yang-Mills theory relies on a quantum mechanical property called the “mass gap.” The theory was introduced in 1954 by Chinese-born American physicist Chen Ning Yang and American physicist Robert L. Mills, who first developed a gauge theory, using Lie groups (see mathematics: Mathematical physics and the theory of Lie groups), to describe subatomic interactions. The current state of Yang-Mills theory has been compared to the early days of the calculus, when undeniably accurate and useful results were being obtained but before the formal development of analysis added rigorous definitions that eliminated logical fallacies. For Yang-Mills theory, one of the most important questions is to mathematically explain the mass gap, or nonzero mass, in quantum applications of the formulas. Evidence for the mass gap has been demonstrated in physical experiments and computer-based mathematical models, and it is believed to be the reason that the strong force operates only at very small distances (within atomic nuclei).
In 2000 the Yang-Mills theory was designated a Millennium Problem, one of seven mathematical problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Mass., U.S., for a special award. The solution for each Millennium Problem is worth $1 million.