Roger Hiorns
Roger Hiorns (born January 11, 1975, Birmingham, England) is an English installation artist who works with such unusual elements as fire, cupric sulfate crystals, and automotive and airplane engines. He expands the definitions of media and the creative process by challenging commonplace ideas with acts of interference and then stepping back to watch the results.
As a boy, Hiorns liked to take apart electronic equipment and other objects. He completed (1993) the Fine Art Foundation course at Bournville College, Birmingham, and earned a B.A. (1996) from Goldsmiths, University of London. For his degree exhibition, Hiorns coated cardboard models of French Gothic cathedrals with cupric sulfate (blue vitriol) and allowed the crystallization process to transform them. For Vauxhall (2003) he ran a channel of fire that flamed up through a grate covering a gully beneath the sculpture court floor at Tate Britain. He returned to his boyhood interest in disassembling machinery in The Birth of the Architect (2003) and All-Night Chemist (2004). Hiorns also began creating a series of untitled sculptures that produce foam, including those in the Beachy Head series (2003–05), and, building on his belief that places and objects carry a history of experience, he atomized metal engines to install as powder on a gallery floor in a series of ongoing untitled works.
To carry out his 2008 site-specific work Seizure, Hiorns acquired a bed-sitter (one-room apartment) in a low-rise housing block slated for demolition in London. He filled the room to the ceiling with liquid cupric sulfate, drained away the excess liquid, and sealed the space for a month. Jagged brilliant blue crystals grew on every surface. Stunning and otherworldly, as well as toxic, Seizure won Hiorns a place on the 2009 Turner Prize shortlist. The entire room was reinstalled in 2013 in Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Tables, benches, engines, and the human figure served as the components for the Youth series, installed in its fullest iteration in 2013 to inaugurate the Calder space at the Hepworth Wakefield gallery in West Yorkshire. A young man would enter the gallery, strip off his clothes, and sit on an object, often in close proximity to a small fire. In 2016 Hiorns instructed the boy choristers at St. Philip’s Cathedral in Birmingham to lie on their backs on the sanctuary floor for the duration of the service. That artistic effort he called Untitled (a retrospective view of the pathway). Hiorns categorized the work as a disruptive insertion rather than a performance piece, in keeping with his belief that art was not “so much about making objects” but “about proposing new types of behaviour.”
Hiorns continued to explore machines and similar objects that he regarded as having a sense of authority. In the 2010s he began to bury decommissioned aircraft with a staircase so that visitors could experience the familiar vehicles when their power is deactivated. He interred a Soviet-made jet plane in Prague (2017) and a 1984 British model in Haarlem, Netherlands (2018).