lung ventilation/perfusion scan
lung ventilation/perfusion scan, in medicine, a test that measures both air flow (ventilation) and blood flow (perfusion) in the lungs. Lung ventilation/perfusion scanning is used most often in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, the blockage of one of the pulmonary arteries or of a connecting vessel. Pulmonary embolism is caused by a clot or an air bubble that has become lodged within a vessel or by the accumulation of fat along the inner walls of the vessel, thereby narrowing the passageway and hindering the flow of blood. The procedure is also used to accurately identify damaged regions of lung tissue prior to surgery to remove the tissue. This approach may be taken for patients with advanced or rapidly spreading lung cancer.
Lung ventilation/perfusion scanning uses radioisotopes to trace the movement of air and blood through the lungs. To track the movement of air, the patient inhales a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen containing small amounts of radioactive xenon or technetium. A scanner that contains a radiation-sensitive camera is then used to collect images of the gamma rays emitted from the tracer as it circulates through the lungs. For the perfusion part of the scan, the patient receives an injection into the bloodstream of a radioactive albumin tracer (usually labeled with technetium), and another set of images is taken with the scanner.
In both ventilation and perfusion scans, normal air and blood flow are reflected in the even distribution of tracers within the lungs. Thus, the ventilation and perfusion scans match for a person with healthy lungs. In contrast, a mismatch between the two scans is indicative of disease. The appearance of hot spots, or areas where the tracers become highly concentrated and therefore produce bright areas in the images, highlight places within the lungs where air or blood have accumulated abnormally. Areas in the images known as cold spots appear very dark and point to regions within the lungs where tracers are relatively scarce. Depending on whether a dark area appears in a ventilation scan or in a perfusion scan, the tissues affected will be either oxygen- or blood-deprived. Nutrient deprivation renders the tissue highly susceptible to death.
Although the tracers used in lung ventilation/perfusion scanning are radioactive, the levels of radioactivity are exceptionally low and pose a very small risk to patients. In general, persons for whom the scanning procedure is not recommended include women who are pregnant or who are breast-feeding. If the results of lung ventilation/perfusion scanning reveal that a patient is at high risk for pulmonary embolism, he or she may subsequently undergo more invasive procedures, including angiography.