Desert Fathers
Desert Fathers, early Christian hermits whose practice of asceticism in the Egyptian desert, beginning in the 3rd century, formed the basis of Christian monasticism. Following the example of Jesus’ life of poverty, service, and self-denial, these early monks devoted themselves to vows of austerity, prayer, and work. Believers who chose to go into the desert as hermits were said to be answering the call of Christ: “Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ ” (Matthew 19:21).
Perhaps the first of the desert hermits was St. Paul of Thebes, who fled to the Theban desert during the persecution of Christians (249–251 ce) under the Roman emperor Decius. Tradition holds that he was buried by St. Anthony of Egypt, the most famous of the Desert Fathers and the one who is considered the founder and father of organized Christian monasticism. St. Pachomius of the Thebaid (c. 290–346), who organized nine monasteries for men and two for women (some of the Desert Mothers), is credited with being the founder of cenobitic (communal) monasticism in the Western world. Other Desert Fathers include Macarius the Egyptian, Arsenius the Great, and the twenty-seven abbas (fathers) and three ammas (mothers) whose 1,202 sayings were collected in the influential Apophthegmata Patrum (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers).