Serge Diaghilev
Serge Diaghilev (born March 31 [March 19, Old Style], 1872, Novgorod province, Russia—died August 19, 1929, Venice, Italy) was a Russian promoter of the arts who revitalized ballet by integrating the ideals of other art forms—music, painting, and drama—with those of the dance. From 1906 he lived in Paris, where in 1909 he founded the Ballets Russes. Thereafter he toured Europe and the Americas with his ballet company, and he produced three ballet masterpieces by Igor Stravinsky: The Firebird (1910), Petrushka (1911), and The Rite of Spring (1913).
Diaghilev was the son of a major general and a noblewoman, who died in childbirth. During his youth his artistic sensibilities were encouraged by his stepmother, Helen Valerianovna Panayeva. He took piano lessons while at school and also showed a gift for composition.
In 1890, while studying law at the University of St. Petersburg, Diaghilev became associated with a group of friends interested in the social sciences, music, and painting—the first of a series of intellectual gatherings over which he presided throughout his life. Among his companions during this period were the painters Alexandre Benois and Léon Bakst, both of whom were later to contribute brilliantly to his productions. In 1893 he made his first journey abroad, visiting Germany, France, and Italy, where he met the distinguished French novelist Émile Zola and the opera composers Charles Gounod and Giuseppe Verdi.
In 1896 Diaghilev graduated in law, but he was determined to follow a musical career. The composer Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, however, discouraged him from developing his talents as a composer, wisely no doubt, since a vocal work of Diaghilev that had been performed in public had left a poor impression. In Moscow he met the patron of the famed bass Feodor Chaliapin and proposed revolutionary scenic ideas for productions of operas in which Chaliapin appeared. Although he was uncertain of his own artistic gifts, Diaghilev was convinced of his vocation: that of a patron of the arts like the Roman Gaius Maecenas. His theatrical ventures in the sphere of opera and ballet and his literary projects, demanding huge investments, were hampered by the fact that he embarked on that career with no private income. Moreover, in 19th-century Russia, his homosexuality was a serious handicap in the development of his career. He had personal charm and audacity, however, and he used them to advantage.
In 1899 he realized the first of these international ventures when he founded, as editor in chief, the review Mir Iskusstva (“World of Art”), which continued to appear until 1904. This was a counterpart of London’s The Yellow Book, reflecting the ideas of graphic artist Aubrey Beardsley and writer Oscar Wilde. In 1905 Diaghilev organized a historic portrait exhibition of Russian art treasures at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.
The great turning point in his life came when he left Russia for Paris in 1906. It was there that he helped to found what was later referred to as the Franco-Russian artistic alliance. He organized an exhibition of Russian art and then, in 1907, a series of historic concerts devoted to the work of the Russian nationalist composers. In 1908 Diaghilev produced Modest Mussorgsky’s opera Boris Godunov in Russian at the Paris Opéra with Chaliapin in the title role.
The time had arrived for him to launch the venture that was to fulfill his ideal of a combination of the arts. Appointed in 1899 as assistant to Prince Sergey Volkonsky, director of the Imperial Theatre, Diaghilev had met dancer Michel Fokine, who was powerfully influenced by American dancer Isadora Duncan. Diaghilev, also influenced by the dance innovations of Duncan, as well as by the ideas of composer Richard Wagner and the theories of French poet Charles Baudelaire, opened his season of Ballets Russes at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris in 1909. The dancers Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, and Fokine were in his company.
Before long it became clear that conventional choreography was to have no place in Diaghilev’s novel spectacles. Mime or action dances were the aim of the choreographers who, largely under the influence of Fokine and Léonide Massine, were creating an entirely new vocabulary of movement. The composers chosen to transform the old art forms were themselves inspired by the fantasies of painters and choreographers. The result was Diaghilev’s lofty creation: an ideal of artistic synthesis, based on an innate sense of taste. Diaghilev’s art reached its height in the three early ballets of young Russian composer Stravinsky: The Firebird (1910), Petrushka (1911), and The Rite of Spring (1913). In Petrushka, perhaps the greatest of the Diaghilev ballets, Stravinsky, at Diaghilev’s insistence, transformed a conventionally conceived piano concerto (on which he had been working) into a mimed ballet, bringing into real life the fantasy dramas of puppets at a showman’s fair. The incident is indicative of the extraordinary psychological influence Diaghilev was able to exert over his collaborators. In The Rite of Spring Stravinsky produced one of the most explosive orchestral scores of the 20th century, and the production created an uproar in the Paris theatre at its first performance. The scandalous dissonances and rhythmic brutality of the music provoked among the fashionable audience such clamorous protestations that the dancers were unable to hear the orchestra in the nearby pit. They carried on, nevertheless, encouraged by choreographer Nijinsky, who stood on a chair in the wings shouting out and miming the rhythm.
Diaghilev left his native Russia and never returned. In Paris he collaborated with French poet Jean Cocteau, among others. He toured with his ballet throughout Europe, in the United States, and in South America. Seasons of the Diaghilev ballet were given uninterruptedly from 1909 to 1929. During his later seasons he introduced the works of forward-looking composers and painters from France, Italy, Great Britain, and the United States. Among the composers represented in his repertory were Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and Sergey Prokofiev.
Despite his influence, however, Diaghilev was a lonely and dissatisfied man, impecunious and personally unhappy. He was an idealist, never realizing perfection and yet sowing the seed of an exploratory spirit. Diaghilev had long suffered from diabetes, and by the end of his brilliant 1929 season at Covent Garden Theatre (now the Royal Opera House), London, his health had gravely deteriorated. He nevertheless left for a holiday in Venice, where he sank into a coma from which he did not recover. He was buried in the island cemetery of San Michele.